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went back to his ex wife..


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ok so a few months ago i met this randy kid...we had sexual relationships and so forth...he does have a child and was married....we were suppose to get together things were suppose to work out for us...but it didnt...we faught way to much and i finally earned his trust back, but now i look back at it, and all the fighting for him and crying and this and that was for nothing...he went back to his ex wife. The one person I cant stand...she messed with randy so much not letting him see his child, talking about him and hurting him, and he took her back! I loved him so much, words cant explain, and he messed with my head so much...i dont know if im coming or going im so hurt...how could he do this to me? He led me on to believe we would hook up...he played me for a fool, and ii still love him...whats the matter with me? please help me, i dont know what to do!

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Hey hurtwou,


I hate to tell you this, but this is a very common thing to happen if you are involved with a married man. His commitment is elsewhere, not with you. The only thing you can do now is take care that you heal from this, cut off the contact with randy, and move on. Next time, make sure you're not the third person in a relationship.



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