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Have to break NC.

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The last time I saw her was almost 4 weeks ago when we mailed in the cell phone seperation papers so we could have our own bills. Well it took the phone company the rest of the month to separate them and now I have a $120 phone bill, usually its $80 for both phones. Guess in her new found freedom she can really talk it up. I really don't feel like paying for the bill since most of the charges are from her.


Should I just eat it or send her an email telling her the amount and asking her for a check via mail. I don't feel like ever talking to her cause she's got nothing I want, other than the money

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The last time I saw her was almost 4 weeks ago when we mailed in the cell phone seperation papers so we could have our own bills. Well it took the phone company the rest of the month to separate them and now I have a $120 phone bill, usually its $80 for both phones. Guess in her new found freedom she can really talk it up. I really don't feel like paying for the bill since most of the charges are from her.


Should I just eat it or send her an email telling her the amount and asking her for a check via mail. I don't feel like ever talking to her cause she's got nothing I want, other than the money


Get your money. If you think you can bare talking to her without it setting you back too much, then it's worth it. Don't be a sucker by paying her bill.

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I personally wouldn't bother... I have an ex who I lent $2000 to for an emergency. I never saw the money again, even though he SWORE he would pay me back. Finally I just told him not to worry about it, and he eagerly accepted those terms, and on TOP of that wanted me to put it in writing so I couldn't sue him later on for the money he owed me!


I just thanked God that night that I am in a position where I didn't need that $2000 as much as he did. Your money is peanuts by comparison, and not worth getting into a potentially sticky situation over.

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I helped my ex with her £500 credit card bill which she incurred when I wasn't with her at that time. She promised that she will pay up when she had the money. Now that she has a new well paid job I still haven't heard anything about that money. I personally have written the debt off even though part of me still wants to email her reminding of the payments she promised but I don't think I will gain anything from it. Just let it go. $40 is not worth the hassle.

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I guess it depends where you are in life. For someone like me, as a student, $80 (assuming that only about $40 of the charge are your calls as that would be half the usual 80 and the remaining 80 is hers) goes a long way. But if it's not that much money to you, then don't sweat it...no reason to break NC and set yourself back.

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Just my 2 cents - it's her responsibility, she should pay for it. I would e-mail her and let her know the situation. Be nice (you catch more flies with honey) but businesslike, explain what's going on. This way, at least she knows she owes you.


I faced a similar situation with my ex and he paid immediately and was really apologetic to boot. It didn't hurt my sanity one bit, it helped it because he wasn't getting away with owing me any money. Albeit, this was $150, but whatever, same principle.


I do agree that if it's gonna hurt you, it's not worth $40. But if it's just the idea of NC that's holding you back, make exception. Why should you do any favors for someone who has hurt your feelings?

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I may just pay the stupid bill. It just pisses me off how for someone who said she didn't want anything serious she sure does talk to a certain number almost every night for 30 or so minutes before she goes to bed ever since we broke up. Just hurts alittle more knowing she lied to me, reguardless if she planned it or not.


I really don't want to talk to her or see her. I know she would like it if I contacted her. But I may shoot her a professional email stating what she owes me with no feeling or anything attached to it. I kinda like NC so far and don't want to break the streak. I'll figure something out. thanks all.

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I may just pay the stupid bill. It just pisses me off how for someone who said she didn't want anything serious she sure does talk to a certain number almost every night for 30 or so minutes before she goes to bed ever since we broke up. Just hurts alittle more knowing she lied to me, reguardless if she planned it or not.


I really don't want to talk to her or see her. I know she would like it if I contacted her. But I may shoot her a professional email stating what she owes me with no feeling or anything attached to it. I kinda like NC so far and don't want to break the streak. I'll figure something out. thanks all.


If my ex emailed me over something like this, after a long period of NC, I would see it as an excuse to contact me.

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