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does my ex feel for me again? what to do?!

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ok. quick briefing... me and my ex broke up like 3 weeks ago.. our break-up was peacful, no fight... but she decided she wanted to break up, so i agreed, since things were'nt really working out..

so we remained close friends...


we met up nearlly every day in the last 2 and a half weeks, together with another one of her ex's.. my best friend.. we have tons of fun..

lately she's been behaving differently towards me, and i posted that before asking for advice, and someone told me, if she's trying to make me jealous by treating my best friend better and shiz she wants me back.. that's what she's doing...


and yesterday, on our way home in the car, she put her hand on my lap, like she used to while we were going out.. that really surprised me...

afterwards, they slept over, because we got drunk and stuff... and me her and my best friend slept in one double bed... and she was really close to me the whole time... and i hardly had any space, my friend had enough space.. lol...

at one point it also got really hot, so i was gonna go sleep in another room, and she went ''no.. please don't go.. stay here.. please''


now... i'm wondering.. DOES she like me again? or is it jusdt a friendly thing?


and if she likes me... wouldn't SHE come up to me to try and start things over again, because it was HER which ended all of it before...

or not?


anyway... i really want to know what i should do.. please help me out... you've been a great help before.. thanks guys..


[side note: swingfox... sorry for the swearing in my last post... i swear a lot.. sometimes i don't notice... i tried to keep it to a minimum here... hope it worked.. later.]

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Hah wow. I don't know about you, but none of my friends say "no please dont go" to me.

To keep my opinion short and sweet...I'd say take things as they come. Since she broke up with you, I'd expect her to be the one to initiate something again. Just don't give her the cold shoulder stuff, and you're set.

I think she does want you back though.


anyone else?

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