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Ladies Opinion Needed -> Clubs


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I hope someone can help me out here. I'm an above average looking guy (no hottie but not bad) with a good build. At clubs I always seem to attract the attention of a few ladies here and there. The problem is with approaching women at a club. They think that every guy just wants sex but for me thats not that case. I'm just looking to meet someone for a real relationship.


So how do I show women at a club that I'm not the average idiot looking for a one night stand? Any ideas on approaching or conversations?

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I hope someone can help me out here. I'm an above average looking guy (no hottie but not bad) with a good build. At clubs I always seem to attract the attention of a few ladies here and there. The problem is with approaching women at a club. They think that every guy just wants sex but for me thats not that case. I'm just looking to meet someone for a real relationship.


So how do I show women at a club that I'm not the average idiot looking for a one night stand? Any ideas on approaching or conversations?



I don't think that every woman at clubs thinks that every guy wants sex. A lot of them do but not all and women aren't so dumb as to believe that. I met my fiance' at a club. If you are getting that kind of response then you are likely coming accross wrong or they are using it as an excuse to get rid of you.

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First of all, research these sites:

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As far as how girls percieve you and what you're after, this is a subject which is going to take a lot of intense study and practice. There are stages to interacting with chicks and personally I'm studying material by this guy Mystery who's all over those sites. He's a legend and has very good descriptions of how to do this.


The first thing you have to learn how to do is open a conversation with a chick or a group or even her friends. You can either memorize an opener which should be an innocent question or statement that has no sexual undertones, but I push myself to open on something 3rd party. Like I was watching some people on the dance floor at a latin club once and asked her "Do you know how to dance like that?" Led to a convo. Also there was this chick who was so drunk so she was escorted out of the club so I said to this girl who also noticed her "That called havin a rough night right there." Led to a conversation. Also there were these guys about to get into a fight and I was in the crowd watching and they were talking something about 6 months??? so I said to the girl next to me "What's he talkin about with that 6 months stuff?"


See these openers don't need to be that great, they just need to start the conversation. Go get mystery's ebook and he has some videos too. Also try and find advice from this guy TylerDurden (not the one from fight club). His advice is very good too.

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im a female who goes to clubs, and i dont think thats a place to go to meet someone to date. Maybe you should try going out to different places at nite.

Or if theres a girl that your intrested in and shes into you at the end of the nite tell her she seems like a cool girl and you would like to take her number down to go out, out of the club sense

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Not true! I met my husband at a club. I wasn't 'looking' and neither was he, we developed a friendship that turned into dating then marriage. Not all ppl at clubs are the 'wrong' material. Hell, I have met some real weirdos at church!!!!!



You're not going to find relationship material girls at clubs, mainly because they're not there looking for relationship-material guys. It's like going to your local video store's porn section looking for a nice video on home gardening.
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That is a load of garbage right there. My last 3 gf's I met in clubs. Same people I meet in everyday life, just a different setting.



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BS, it's not a "load of garbage", it's how it is most of the time. Notice I didn't say all the time. It is the general consensus so don't single me out like I introduced some novel idea.

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Oh relax, I wasn't responding to your isolated comment, I'm responding to the idea in general made by everyone on the board.


I can only speak from my experience and of those around me. My gf's have all been very good girls, not fooling around and girls I could take very seriously. Two of them had only been with 1 other guy and are not promiscuous at all. I don't think I'm all that special or lucky. Plenty of good girls in the bars or clubs. They like to go out and have a good time too.

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I met my current fiance' at a club and I am only the second guy she's ever been with. The first guy she made wait a full year, and her and I waited for 3 months. She's the best girl I know. I agree with Helloladies on this, I think there is a very poor sterotype going on about "meeting girls at clubs". I know that there are a lot of girls you don't want to date that go to clubs, but you know what? I read these forums everyday and I see the a ton of guys who met the wrong girls in places other than clubs. You are going to meet the wrong girl anywhere. The club is unfairly judged.

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