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Everyone is different from one another so it's not bizarre. What one would value the most, others don't really mind. Just be proud of yourself and don't fit into what you should be. I been in one very short relation of just 7 days and never had sex (still virgin).

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I'm 24 and I've never been in a "real" relationship either. It's just that I haven't met the right person, and I'm fine with that! The longest I've dated a guy was for 1 month. My feeling is, why bother dating somebody if you know there is no "potential" for things to develop. Don't think it's weird and never settle. The only thing is, I wish I had more experience in the dating scene. It's better to be single than to wish you were. Do people see it a a flaw if a person has never been in a serious relationship?

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There are others in your position (especially men, imho): but like Bob Dylan said "It ain't me, babe."


Does this bother you? Be honest. Why else ask this question?

Are you single n' loving it (your choice), or are you single bc that's just how things have happened to roll around you?


It isn't totally bizarre nor a liability/something bad to be 34 w/out experience in a serious relationship.

Wouldn't bother (myself) in the least.

However, it isn't the mainstream trend. Bet you already knew that.

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It bothers me a lot itsallgrand. I'm single because that's how things have rolled with me. I hate explaining to women why I've never had a long-term relationship so I lie and them I've had a few. It keeps them from asking so many questions and looking like there's definitely something wrong with me. I can't stand it.

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Well, I'm in my first serious relationship and I'm 20.

I've had 2 boyfriends before that that lasted 4 months on/off & long-distance and 1 month.

The first "boyfriend" was when I was 14. I don't count him because I was too young to even know what a relationship is about. Plus, all we did was hold hands.


I don't think there's anything wrong with your situation.

There's no "normal."

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I'm 25 and never had sex and up until recently never been in a relationship.


Everyones idea of "normal" is different from the next persons, you don't have to fit a cookie cutter life, choose what you want to do.




Well, if we start with the fact that "normal" does not exist, nor is it a concept nor a set of behaviors, then no one can behave normally, as there is no such thing as "normal".


It is like defining "mental sanity". Craziness is just to behave differently from the mayority, but no one said it was incorrect.


So if there is no such thing as "normal", behave how you want and enjoy.

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I don't think there's anything "wrong" with you......

I think people in general like to think they are getting someone

who is demand by other people. It makes them feel special

to be with someone that others desire...so saying you have NEVER

been in a relationship...well..it might sound a little ODD to some people...'

though NOT wrong.


I also think that a by a certain age.....if you have never experienced a relationship..how can you really know what you want from one? Even negative relationships teach us things..and make us grow..so maybe some of these women are ASKING you questions to be sure you REALLY know what you want. Not only that..but by a certain age...many people become set in their ways....and it's hard for them to adjust to a 'relationship".


Not sure if that helps..but just my thoughts

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A woman who is worth your time will not care whether or not you have been in a relationship. Not all woman think only men who have been around the block are desirable. Showing selectivity is a desirable trait. Showing that you are not going into relationships just for the sake of having experience, is an admirable quality and one that people should practice more because it leads to less regrets. I disagree with the notion that only having a relationship lets you know what you do and do not want. Perhaps people who don't fly into and out of relationships all the time are the ones who really do know what they want and won't settle for anything less.

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its not unnormal, i am almost 24, i have had 2 girlfriends in the past, neither one of those rrelationships were even close to being serious, and i have dated like a hundred girls where things only lasted like a week or so but i dont count those. not that i haven't tried to be serious and committed to someone, i have simply never met the right one. i have dated girls that said they were totally in love with me and wanted to be committed to me that i simply did not feel the same way about, and i have had girls that i was crazy about and got rejected by. this is just the type of thing you have to be patient for, and when you meet the right girl, you will have a serious relationship and be crazy about her. although i did have sex with both my 2 ex's, the only thing i feel empty about not having experienced is "love making" which i define as being sex with someone you are in love with, otherwise, i am happy that i am looking for someone who i am truly compatible with and not taking anything that just comes along.

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