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I told my bf he sucks during sex


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Ok my bf and I always had great sex till couple months ago when I had problems with my lower region (really bad irritation). I went to a doc and after a week I was fine. But ever since then I haven't been ok down there. I became extremely sensitive to touch and it just doesn't feel as good as it used to. (doctor doesn't know what the problem is). Anyway, the other day my bf and I were fooling around and I wasn't enjoying it because it actually hurt from too much sensitivity. I got really really frustrated and my bf and I got into a little argument about something completeley different and in the midst of our argument I blurted out that I don't enjoy our sex like I used to


I feel horrible and I know I hurt his ego. I don't know how I can take it back. Ahh. Any advice please?

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Well, I am familiar with 'irritation' down there, it can really very much RUIN sex. I had bad yeast infections, and the area can still be quite sensitive once the yeast is gone (I don't know what you were diagnosed with, but yeast is very common). It's unfortunate that you said this to your bf, but I think you should explain it the way you explained it to us. Women tend to have more discomforts than men, so it might be good to really explain how it feels for you.


I don't know how it is for you, does it hurt when you get aroused also? I think in time things will get more comfortable, make sure you wear no tight underwear (only cotton!), keep a healthy diet and do some pelvic relaxation exercises.



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Sometimes we say the worst things at the wrong moment, and we don't really mean them the way they come out. But obviously your boyfriend is hurt, I mean, who wouldn't be?


Just explain to him what you really feel. That's all you can do. For now his ego will be hurt, but he will get over it in time..


Maybe you should try getting a second doctor's opinion on what might be wrong.

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I would just explain it to him how you explained it to us. It isn't that he is bad at sex, you are frustrated because you have been have irritation and the sex doesn't feel as good as it used to. I would just apologize and tell him you are frustrated with the way "it" has been feeling.

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My feeling is when someone says something there IS some truth to it. I don't buy the excuse of people being angry and things getting out. You are responsible for comes out of your mouth. So if I"m the guy and someone I care for says that for me, I would walk OR more likely, say something about her that I was holding back lol.


I mean it all depends on the guy but I know for a fact that I may forgive, but I wouldn't forget.

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My feeling is when someone says something there IS some truth to it. I don't buy the excuse of people being angry and things getting out. You are responsible for comes out of your mouth. So if I"m the guy and someone I care for says that for me, I would walk OR more likely, say something about her that I was holding back lol.


I mean it all depends on the guy but I know for a fact that I may forgive, but I wouldn't forget.


Tiredman...I was hoping for more reassuring advice ](*,) I tell him how great he is all the time and to a point yes I guess after all this time I expect our sex life to be better not worse. And he did say something to me that was hurtful as well which I won't get into now and frankly I don't blame him. I guess I just want to know how I can show him that it's not him, its me. Words can mean only so much. Ah I'm confusing myself now

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I think if you told him exactly what you writ on here it would be much clearer. I think there are reasons for why you arent enjoying sex as much as you said (as you stated) and its not a matter of him (maybe) being bad. Its possibly he hasnt yet adjusted to the changes and you need to have a little more communication going on.


just my angle.


neva x

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