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i'm really confused about this, i need any help you can give.

well , i met this girl who i really believe is the one, we talk a lot, we have lots of fun, she laughs at my jokes ( ) . well, thing is, she broke up with her ex right before she said she liked me , and the ex told me "to take care of her" ... and now she's talking again with him again, but she says he's only a friend.

Am i being to paranoid if i don't trust her? what does it mean? does she want him back? I'm really afraid she leaves me and breaks my heart

any help you can give is really appreciated

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  • 4 weeks later...

Welcome to ENA!


You have not really been with her long enough to establish any trust and with him still in the picture, you have a right to be concerned. The only problem is if you complain to her about her being friends with him, she may see you as jealous and insecure which is a big turn off. I'd keep a close eye on the situation and say nothing at this point. If you are constantly afraid of losing her...guess what....you will! Have confidence that you are who she has selected to be with, if her heart returns to him, what can you do about it? You cannot control her feelings.



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R.C hit it right on the money.The absoulte last thing you want to do is come of as insecure.Be strong and portray to her that you are confident in yourself, and you KNOW she would never ditch you for this guy unless she was crazy.A real woman want's a real man.

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