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Ok, not to sound cocky, but I'm an attractive guy... today at work... well, before work some girls came over to talk and I'll admit... my personality or attitude is cocky and arrogant... and I dont care what anyone thinks about it... but I stuck around waiting for the manager to come in to ask if I could not work... The girls asked me if I had a hot date and rolled their eyes.. and said to each other... "yea right"... now I'm assuming they did this because they know I'm attractive..... but I'm unsure... because usually girls that find you unattractive usually dont stick around to talk to you... and certainly wouldnt tell you to your face.... what do you think... girls and guys..?

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your post slightly confuses me. ill try to understand it as well as i can..yes you are attractive, at least in the picture. umm, being a female myself, i think they were just saying it to acutalyl find out if you DID have a hot date. i could picture myself doing that to a guy to see if they had a girlfriend. i think they said "yeah right" not because they are rude, but more because they didnt want to be embarrassed for asking. i know im not completley making sense, but i hope you get the jyst of what im saying. however, i dotn nkow the girls and this is just coming from me and what me and my friends would probably do. the girls must be pretty immature though if i am right.

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Why dont you just ask them? Nobody here would know for certain unless they were there. So, all you're gonna get are 20 different scenarios. I always say its best to get answers straight from the horses mouth. Thats the only way you'll get a real answer.

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Sean you are attractive, however, unless a woman is some what shallow they want a man to have confidence not 'cocky'! We like a good personality along with the looks.....


I'll admit... my personality or attitude is cocky and arrogant...


While this kind of attitude may get you by for now, it won't in the future!Women don't want a man who is so full of himself that he walks like an ape down the street, with a stride so obvious that he's touching his knuckles on the pavement from side to side!


The girls asked me if I had a hot date and rolled their eyes.. and said to each other... "yea right"...


I'm thinking they were being facetious! It sounds like they may have been making fun of you b/c your so ummm....cocky!


Just be yourself, ppl like a humble and honest person....

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Just be yourself, ppl like a humble and honest person....


maybe being himself is being cocky, as he said thast who he is. i agree that i am not attracted to arrogance, but if thats who he is and hes fine with that, and doesnt change it then he will have to deal with the consequences, good or bad.

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maybe being himself is being cocky, as he said thast who he is. i agree that i am not attracted to arrogance, but if thats who he is and hes fine with that, and doesnt change it then he will have to deal with the consequences, good or bad.

Too true Nicorette, too true!

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I have some aquaintences that are very good looking guys, but they don't get the kind of respect that they want because they are cocky and arrogant. The kind of people that will get the most respect are the ones that "have it" but aren't arrogant about it. Maybe you should take a lesson from some of my friends who despite being very attractive guys, still aren't happy in life.

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Well, the thing is... it's not entirely my fault.... i'm also a little on the shy side... but sometimes I guess it comes off as being arrogant/I think I'm too good for them or what not... I can tell when a girl is attracted to me, but I don't do anything about it... That and ever since my last relationship... which was only 6 months... which ended christmas 2005, I really began to care less and less... because, it sorta ruined my emotions.... not to say i'm completely careless... but I def. notice the attention I get.... indirectly... wither it be hair flipping, eyeing me every min or so then looking away when I look at them. I guess I just don't know why i am the way I am... When in fact, i'm sorta lonely. What would you people suggest on me doing about it?


ps... nicorette... I think you're cute



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The others may have wanted to talk to the manager too or they could have just wanted to see what you were doing. Who knows, next time ask and have them tell you, you can do it indirectly like "You waitin for the manager too?" "So are you goin to ask off today too?"


The "yeah right" was probably a reference to your attitude being a girl repellent. Most women don't like arrogance or will only put up with it long enough to use the guy for their own pleasure and dump him when something better comes along. If you really want to try to have a meaningful relationship try toning it down. Think about others before yourself and pay attention to things besides whether or not their checking you out.

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