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Strangest Place You've Ever Had Sex?

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Did you keep going, or did you stop? You should've kept going; they had seen what was going on anyway, and you shouldn't let them ruin the experience.


I stopped for a second and laughed, but kept going. They left when they saw me look at them. It threw off my rythem but I gotta get mine...lol.

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Guys guess what?! The other night we were in our bed getting ready to *ya know* and then HE asked ME if I wanted to go do it up on the patio! HAHA A few pages back in this thread I mentioned I wanted to do it up there and I never mentioned it to him so he was obviously thinking of it too! And while there weren't many positions we could use while up there it was AWESOME because it was so late at night and the wind was blowing - it was awesome! Just had to share that

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