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my crush problem!!!.....HELP!!!!!

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I have a crush on this guy. Lets just call him mark. I really like him and he's really funny, cute, sweet, smart, caring, and he's really really nice to me! We've been friends for about 3 years and this summer we found out we like each other. Then things started to be good between us, but sometimes things doesnt come out the way i want them to. I experienced a lot of hard times this summer with him, but no matter what i find out about him, i still like him and it will never change. Like last time, i found out a letter forum from a website, he wrote it. It was about a girl in his class. He really likes her. I felt really jealous and i felt stupid when i read his message. I wasnt suppose to know about it, but i was very sneaky and i found out about it. Well i didnt really care about the message because he wrote it 1 month ago, and last week i asked him who does he really like, then he said the girl he likes the most is me, and i believed him. Im kind of okay now. Well i still really really like him no matter what. I want him to be my first boyfriend and i dont know how i can be the girl of his dreams. He needs to know the real me better so that we can be really close and i also want to get to know him better too. I want to know how much he likes me and i want to know if he really likes me as much as i do to him. I dont know what to do sooo please!....help me!!!!!!!!

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Ah. First off, I'd say forget about that girl. TONS of things change in one month. And he said he likes you the most...feel special!


I think one of the hardest parts is over, now that you two know you like eachother. You want to know how much he likes you? Well that's sorta confusing for me. I think that the more time you spend with the person, and the more you get to know him, the more you'll like him (or the other way around).


Basically, calm down, chill out a bit. Spend some time together and let him find the "real you." Meanwhile, try to find the "real him." Don't worry so much though, try to take things slow and steadily.


Maybe? Anyone else?

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i dunno, i had a best friend out of school who was a guy and i eventually came to have a crush on him after 2 years of denying it. he now has a girlfriend, i never told him i liked him, but i think that if it's meant to be, it will work out. i say to myself that sure, james has a gf at the moment, and they're very much in love and i'm interested in someone else too, but maybe in like 10 years time when we've grown up a bit more, then we'll realise we're more than just friends and we're meant to be together. but until then, i just hang out with him as a friend and we'll have a good time..

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