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Working Overseas

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Hi everyone, I'm really interested in working overseas (I'm in Australia) and wanted to know if anyone has done this. Any advice?


Start with figuring out what you want to do.


If all you want to do is work/live overseas and you don't really care about what job you do, my advice is to look at teaching english in a foreign country.


Usually those programs are the easiest to get into, offer the best "care" in terms of getting you a place to live etc, and help smooth getting you a work permit.


In the US, getting a job over here is tough, and requires H1-B Visa sponsorship. The number of H1-B visa awarded is small and only get doled out to people highly skilled workers. So unless you are trained in an area that is in high demand (such as engineering) it's tough to get a job here.


Its the same in many countries: if you are a skilled worker in a high demand field, it's easier to find a job.


Hope this helps.

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Yes. I have worked in Australia, Ireland and the UK. These were on working holiday visas. I am currently looking at heading to the US and possibly the Middle East via the work route. In order to get work through an organization you have to work for an international organization and have the skills to be hired and sent abroad. Not sure if this applies to you.


The easiest way for you as an Australian is to apply for a working holiday visa which allows you to work for part of the year and travels as well. If you are a student I believe you can apply for an Irish work permit with in a year of completing school. The UK working holiday permit allows you to apply before the age of 30 whether or not you go to school. Its a great opportunity to explore the world. The UK is a great place to have some fun for a year and learn another culture. Canada is another option for ockers and I believe you can get a 1 year workign holiday visa for here as well, but since I am canadian I cannot tell you how to apply. Normally its about $200 to apply.

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Heres a web site that has an easy to read matrix chart of all the countries with current working holiday visa agreements.


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Agreements depend largely on the diplomatic ties etc and are usually issued in a t*t-for-tat basis. That is if one country (target country)offers citizens of another country(home country) the opportunity to work for 6 months in the target country , the home country of the person will only offer visas to citizens of the target country a 6 month visa as well.


Example: If Astralia offers Irish citizens a 6 months visa then Ireland would only offer Australian citizens a 6 month visa.


There are certain restrictrions applied to the working holiday visas sometimes. When I was in Australia my visa only allowed me to work for up to 3 months at any given employer. Its now changed to 6 months. This is to prevent foreigners from "stealing" Autralian jobs. This can make it difficult to stay in Australia long term as not many serious job offers will be given to someone who can only work at the company for 3 months.


So if you are looking to spend more than one year away you need to research barriers such as this. Another possibility is to apply for another workign holiday visa for a different country while you are away. This is not always possible as some countries require citizens of certain countries to apply from their home country.


Example: Germans cannot apply for a Canadian Visa from Australia. They actually have to BE in Germany to apply for the Canadian Visa.


As well some working holiday visa application processes are more straight forward than others.


Hope this helps and let me know if you have any other questions.

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To work overseas, you have to be highly skilled people like a doctor, lawyer, engineer, and professionals. It is a jobs that require special skill.


However, you could also filing jobs that the local people does not want to do. Normally it is a low level job.


It is either on the higher end or at the lower end of the job market.

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One note when working overseas is to check: Health and safety laws and working conditions of the destination country, ussually such information is available through the relevant embassy. You can apply for citzenship sometimes in the country you want to go to. Some countries grant you citzenship if your grandfather or grandmother had citzenship before. It depends mostly from country to country "Messy Legislation". Primarily your difficulty may be to find affordable accommodation, jobs as said before are either high-end or low-end, they should not be much of difficulty to find. My opinion is to enquire at the embassy of the country you want to go to about your options.

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