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I am so tired of "relationships". I have been hurt too many times. I always trust my heart when it comes to people and most of the time I am right. Most of my friends are girls and honestly I am tired of them complaining how they get treated bad in relationships when the answer is in the guys they date. I just don't how someone can complain when they know how someone is going to treat them. I honestly don't have many guy friends because I don't respect the way many guys treat girls.The few guy friends I do have share the same views as I do for the most part. Most girls now want "bad boys" but they don't want to deal with everything that goes along with that. Then you have the guys that are the exact opposite who pay attention to their girlfriends but most of the time those are the guys that get hurt. I'm a hopeless romantic, but I'm very blunt when it comes about how I feel. I hear things on TV about girls complaining about guys, but girls have to realize that sometimes the root of the problem is how some guys have been treated by girls. The same is true for girls that have had bad experience with guys. We should all live by the golden rule.

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Well, everyone gets tired of relationships sooner or later. But maybe you should be more or a bad boy, instead of being the big brother. A girl wants a man....she doesn't want someone who is like a dad to them.


I have alot of guy friends, and some are my best friends. I've gotten so close to them, that I wouldn't ever think of dating any of them, because, to me, they are like my brother. Maybe you should hang with the guys a little more, and take a look from the outside...


Just stay sweet and romantic, and the right one will come to you......

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Maybe this should be a new thread but: Smalltowngirl: How exactly does someone become more of a badboy?


iNNoVaSioN: I find myself in the same place and I totally understand. It seems like that "nice guys finish last" phrase is true, buuuuuut.. I then read Colin Mortensen's book. It wasn't as good as I expected it to be, but it still offered a few interesting insights. I don't know if i'm remembering correctly, so don't quote me on this, but I think part of what he wrote suggested that you don't have to be a "bad guy," but pretend to be aloof, uninterested at first, but as the relationship gets serious, throw it out and start being the good guy again. I guess it goes along with the whole idea that some people like a "chase" or like to be kept on their toes...

I don't know. His site is @ link removed if it helps. Some interesting ideas in there.


But I definitely agree. I just get insanely mad when I see girls (or guys for that matter) act totally inappropriately and then talk as if they are the victims of a relationship gone horribly wrong.


Any other ideas?

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Girls go to guys the that they find attractive, there's no arguing with that. They follow their feelings first and foremost. They don't go out with the unattractive guys. And I'm talking about attractive qualities/mindsets too.


There is always another girl for the initially attractive guy. So it seems like that is all it takes. But lasting relationships are more than that. You have to always be listening to a girls feelings, or she'll eventually move on to another.


We need to give ladies what they want, when they want it. But don't make a big deal out of it.


So basically you need to work on your initial attraction so you don't get so hopelessly desperate when a right one finally comes and you scare her away. So my advice is incorporate a balance between the two. Because women don't get what they really want from the jerk, and don't get what they really want from the nice guy. So work on the having a balance of qualities that they really want, that includes knowing when to let them find another guy.


So many ladies are lost, thinking what the hell is going on. But its not their fault. It is our responsibility as guys to treat them well and make them feel good, then they will enhance our own lives.

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