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good friend kissing my brother

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About a year ago i found out that a good friend of mine was gay. I never saw it coming but have no problem with it. Until today that is...


This morning i stopped by my older brothers house to say hi. The door was already open so i just walked in, only to find my brother kissing my friend " ryan". I didnt say anything because well..i didnt know whether to scream at them or be happy for them. Now, my brother is not gay, well atleast i didnt think he was...im wondering now.. I just dont know if i should tell my brother what i saw, tell my friend, or just keep my mouth shut. I want to know whats going on but i dont know if they are ready to tell me or not.


What should i do?

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Yes talk to your brother about it, or even sit them both down and talk to them both about it. But tell your brother you wont say anything to anyone and that he can when he is ready to come out

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if you are willing to accept your brother if he is gay, then you can tell him you are happy he gets along so well with ryan and that u like him and think he is a great guy, a great gay guy. that should give your brother some clues and open a door for him to come and talk to you when he feels ready.


hope everything goes fine, keep us updated on your story

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