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SO day 4 now... i find i have my moments. If i am at work it is no problem. I can get through the work day without thinking about it much, if iat all.


It is my down time, in the car, I commute two hours round trip daily, and when im home just chillin.. that is when the thoughts of wanting to smoke pop up in my mind... and then i start to get a bit crazy. I bought a jump rope months ago, and havent started using it since last Saturday...so i was poorly plaaning ahead for my quit day...But the last three dates the heat has been too too much so i havent used the jump rope. Hopefully now that it has cooled some i can jump rope again, to deal with the cravings, and reenforce positive habits in place of the bad one i chose for many years.

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Keep busy at home. Put a coat of wax on your car's primer spots, walk to work one day a week, anything to keep you moving.

You just gave me the idea to pick up a jumprope at the ex's place.

That's an incredible cardio exercise I could use.


Keep your hands busy, too. I almost thought my hands were the addicts, always wanting to hold a cig and lighter.

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Hanging out, or getting things done?

Chew gum and keep your hands and brain busy.


Avoid the triggers like sitting with a beer after a big lunch. Walk somewhere. consciously tell yourself wht to do in those weak moments.

"I'd usually light up but I'll ______instead!"

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You have taken the 1st step and that is WANTING to quit. You are now half way there.


At the end of next week, take the money you have saved by NOT bying cigs and treat yourself to some DVD's or something. 20 a day at £4.00 = £28 so reward yourself.

Do the same next month

and the next month


If you DO accidentlay make a mistake and light up then DON'T give up. Just tell yourself that you are now a NON SMOKER who made a small mistake.


Welcome to the world of Non Smokers

Your health will improve and if you have children, you will grow to i ripe old age and engoy an acitive life with your grandchildren.


WELL DONE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Congratulations on making this stand. I was a heavy smoker for over 10 years now I am no longer addicted. I found it took me around a year to loose the desire to smoke. Being aroung smokers tempted me and if a very stressful thing happened I wanted one. I learnt that if I had a smoke that so what I had one but that does not mean I have failed. I just kept trying and look at the reasons behind why i wanted one. eg. emotional. So I would try other things to relieve the stress, eg deep breaths look at the stars,go for a walk or a cup of tea. I am just saying that I tried to turn to other things as a sustitute for the habit, even chewed liquorice root which is supposed to help.


Just remember that it can be a process and eventually the desire for nicotene will leave the body. There is supposed to be a certain time frame where the body has a physical addiction and if you can get through that which apparently is not that long(sorry forget exact time) then the rest is psychological. The mind telling you that you need it and you have to learn to re train the mind. I started to cut down over a period of time.


I have to add my third tequnique. I prayed that God would make me repulsed by smoking and loose the desire. This was the crunch I became repulsed. Now I have to thwart the addiction to drinking cupas.

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I managed with some struggle to get through my weekend smoke free. It is difficult, but i am staying on course thus far, tomorrow will be one week smoke free.


Good for you! When my husband quit smoking the weekends were hard for him too. Especially in social situations with other smokers or situations involving alcohol. A smoke and a drink seem to go together for many smokers I guess. They will no longer be related in due time though.


Wow- it's almost one week now. That's wonderful. Keep up the good work!



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You're doing great! The first weekends are rough. A few weeks like this and your mind will wander off to other things, freeing you from that obsession. Take a deep breath and thank yourself.


Keep up the good work.

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