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My girl friend didnt breakup with me. But we had a prob and her mom knew about it. Then her mom got upset and does not want her to be with me cos we had a prob. But I told my girl friend to meet me and solve everyting. She told me that she needs time to think and she will call me after a week. Her mom took her phone so I cant contact her. The two times I met her, She talked to me but wanted me to leave soon cos she is worried of something like her mom is not OK with us. What I dont know is why she is not explaining me somethings what is going on. I am just guessing things. I am waiting and hoping. Should I try to contact her or not??

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Well, I am going to assume this is not a case of abuse or anything? Can you maybe describe the "problem" some more, as that is very relevant as to why her mum got involved perhaps?


Anyway, I would not contact her.


For one, if she is that dependent on her mother's interference in her relationship at this age, it's time to move on. I could see a parent getting involved in cases of abuse etc (in fact, I think they SHOULD get involved to "some degree" as long as they don't push them closer together) HOWEVER for regular old relationships, um...well, I would say honey think of this as a lucky escape, otherwise you would look forward to a whole relationship filled with this kind of intereference.


Second, if it is something like abuse, than you need to get help and work on that right away before getting involved with anyone.


I am also bothered by fact if it is just a little couples tiff that she won't talk to you herself about what is going on.

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