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how can your gf party without cheating on you and vice versa


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my gf indirectly wanted me to go on a vacation. I asked why, she said she missed partying and hanging out with her friends. I kinda felt bad that I didn't realize I held her back like that. the only reason that I did that is cause her friends are slutty and I feel that if she goes partying she will get kissed touched by drunk guys. now I am not a partier myself at all. like I don't miss my friends really when I don't see the I rather spend more time with my gf. I can go clubbing with my guy friends but clubbing is no fun for me without my gf. like kissing her and all. and I dunno how girls party but I know how guys party we like to get a little tipsy and dance with the opposite sex and be more touchy touchy and to me thats considered cheating so I wouldn't do it cause of her but I don't see how can she be ok with that. like she wants me to go to vacation so she can party and that hurts a little like she wants a vacation from me. I mean I know I am overprotective and all but thats cause I care about her but if she doesn't see that, then I guess I can't do anything about it right?


both male and female opinion would be very welcome here,

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Well, the thought of any guy touching your girl is likely to piss you off to no end, I know I get mad as hell when that happens.


That said you can't control your gf. If she wants to go out and party/dance, you have to let her.


To me it's a problem if she doesn't push guys off of her when they get touchy-touchy with her.


As for the dancing with other guys thing, if you don't want to go out with her dancing, and she wants to dance, well thats an issue that you'll have to come to a comprimise. She needs to respect your relationship by not letting the dancing get out of hand, and you need to respect her need to go out and dance.


So it comes down to trust. Do you trust your girlfriend to do the right thing?

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Well, the thought of any guy touching your girl is likely to piss you off to no end, I know I get mad as hell when that happens.


That said you can't control your gf. If she wants to go out and party/dance, you have to let her.


To me it's a problem if she doesn't push guys off of her when they get touchy-touchy with her.


As for the dancing with other guys thing, if you don't want to go out with her dancing, and she wants to dance, well thats an issue that you'll have to come to a comprimise. She needs to respect your relationship by not letting the dancing get out of hand, and you need to respect her need to go out and dance.


So it comes down to trust. Do you trust your girlfriend to do the right thing?


thank you for the response. she said she missed partying with her friends. I do trust her also. what I think is that why would she miss dancing her * * * * * off in the first place. I mean why don't I miss that. could this be our age different. I am 22 and she is 18. maybe I passed that stage but when I come to think of it I was never into partying in the first place, we have been together for almost 3 months (it is early in the relationship) and since we were together she never partied anymore she used to before meeting me) could this be cause she is bored or this is just something she enjoys to do?

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If she wants to go dancing let her go dancing. Just tell her that you guys are in a relationship, and you would appreciate it that she keeps that in mind WHILE shes dancing. LIke if some guy wants to grind up on her... thats not really appropriate in my book. You should go with her, just be there hanging out by the bar or whatever, and let her do her thing.


The idea that she needs you to go on vacation though, so she can party sort of makes me wonder whats up.

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If she wants to go dancing let her go dancing. Just tell her that you guys are in a relationship, and you would appreciate it that she keeps that in mind WHILE shes dancing. LIke if some guy wants to grind up on her... thats not really appropriate in my book. You should go with her, just be there hanging out by the bar or whatever, and let her do her thing.


The idea that she needs you to go on vacation though, so she can party sort of makes me wonder whats up.


Thank you all so much for the responses. I talked to her about it.. I asked if she was bored with things or not. I am the person that can't get enough of her, she said she wants to see what's gonna happen if we are apart for a period of time since we really haven't. the longest was 3 days!! I was at a cottage with my family and we couldn't really talk on the phone the only way was text messaging cause of long distance charges. I even asked her if she wanted a break from me ( after 3 months she shouldn't and couples do not really need a break) maybe I shouldn't have ask her (putting words in her mouth) she said no asked me DO YOU WANT ONE? I said no I never said that I can't get enough of you, what are you talking about,.. but yea basically thats how it ended.. I kinda feel confused here..

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my gf indirectly wanted me to go on a vacation. I asked why, she said she missed partying and hanging out with her friends.


With the way this girl keeps testing you, I haven't decided if it is a test or not, but I can tell you that I would've reacted very differently.


What does her hangin out with her friends have to do with you going on a vacation? She's a big girl and if she wants some time with her friends, why does that require you being out of town? I'd ask for an explanation from her and when she couldn't give me one, I'd light her up and ask what are her true motives for saying what she said.


No need to feel guilty, you're not controling anybody. She makes her own decisions.

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You are sitting on a time bomb here....

If you haven't realised yet , when people tries to push down their desiires, emotions , etc ... sooner or later it blows.

Your gf obviously wants to party , flirt , and maybe get down 'n dirty with another ( that's a dramatic picture) but the point is that she wants to have fun and party ... and alcohol and the other gender tends to bring the word sex...

If I were you I would encourage her to go ahead and have as much fun as she likes and you should DO the same , go out and have fun as much possible. If she really is the one for you she won't stray and miss you a thousand times when she realises that you are not there , otherwise you should get another chikita.

You should never let the boys down because most likely there will be a long list of girls but the boys are for ever ....

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