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my "hot weekend" continue

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k, so if you didn't read my post yesturday, my roommate had a candle on the stove burner in our apartment (so the wax melts and it smells good but dosen't burn as fast as if you actually lit it) and it caught on fire and our whole kitchen went up in flames, setting of the sprinkler system in our apartment and everything in our kitchen, livingroom, and her room are damaged. My room is fine because the water wasn't routed to go that way so nothing in my room got wet or damaged. I've been trying so hard to stay patient with her and not blame her for all of this, but it was her fault. So, her insurance put her up in a hotel and she asked me to stay with her so she wouldn't have to stay in some strange place by herself. Then today, she called me at work saying we had to move everything out of our kitchen, living room, and her room because they were going to spray some chemicals to get rid of any mold that had started to grow, and becuase they had to paint the walls... I got off work right away, even though we were short and really busy, and called her but she wasn't answering her phone. So I just went to our apartment to start moving stuff. I keep calling her but she dosen't answer. I called her mom and her mom said she called her and said she was going ot lay down for a nap... so she's sleeping through all this while I'm doing work for something she caused and taking time off my work to do it. I'm getting a little irritated. SO she shows up two hours later when I have alot of the work done and dosen't say a thing about it! All I say was "I've been moving stuff since 2:00" not mean at all or anything, and she flips out, saying I should be gratefull that she's "letting" me stay in the hotel with her and should be gratefull she's claiming my couch as hers so we can claim it under insurance... umm... she caused all of this. I've been trying so hard to stay calm and not blame her and not be mean towards her because I know she's going through alot, but that right there just really got to me... I mean, am I wrong to be pissed off? I've been bending over backwards trying to not make her feel bad about doing something so stupid... and then she takes her anger out on me... so now I don't know what to do. We're stuck in this hotel room for probably at least another week, and I'm already starting to freak out from being around her too much because she's so stressed and she takes it out on everyone around her even though all they're doing is help her fix HER mistake.... uggggghhh... I just needed somehwere to vent because all I've been doing all day is holding all this in, while we are moving all of our stuff, packing everything up, and then switching hotels yet again on her request because she wanted a refridgerator and a microwave so she could go home for lunch... I guess it's all about her and what she wants and needs...

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Heck no, you're not wrong for being pissed off. Hell I'm surprised you haven't punched her dead smack in the ovaries by now.


In all seriousness, I'm really sorry to hear about the fire in your apartment. I'm glad to hear that your stuff mostly made it out, and more importantly you weren't hurt.


A month and a 1/2 ago my sister's place was burned to the ground to cover up her neighbor's murder. She lost everything, and it's been pretty hard on our family so I know a little bit about the stress you're dealing with.


Do you have renters insurance? They should cover any damages to your stuff, and I believe if it was negligence on your roommates part, they'd go after her and her insurance company.


And since you're doing her a favor by staying with her, is there another place you can go stay? I mean if she's being a total chode about it, I'd be like "eff you crazy lady" and go somewhere else. Then I'd do the ovary-punch thing.

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You have every right to be angry. If your roommate is so concerned with all this stuff, than she alone should have helped pack everything up and did all this work that you have had to do. Tell your roommate that she needs to pull her weight in the matter that your in right now. If not, than I suggest go somewhere else, without her, since she is being rather snotty because of the whole thing.

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