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Men: Type of fragrance you like on a woman?

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I switch off between 2 perfumes:


Burberry Tender Touch - Sweet & floral, kind of like honeysuckles to me.


Escada Sentiment - I love the bottle, and I get so many compliments! When I was working as a waitress, at least one guy a night wanted me to write down what perfume I was wearing so he could get it for his GF! It's flowery!


I also have this lotion that smells like buttercream frosting! It smells so good I want to pour it into my mouth and eat it! When I wear it, my BF can't stop smelling me!

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I know. I like that stuff too. I have that and 'secret crush' by the same company. But Love Spell is so distinct, you can smell it from quite a ways, too.


Guys--what do you think of 'Beautiful'? What about 'Sunflowers'? Do you'all even know the names of the smelly stuff you like?


I used to wear Beautiful in high school and Sunflowers right after. Ahhhh everytime I smell those it floods the memories back.

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I used to wear Beautiful in high school and Sunflowers right after. Ahhhh everytime I smell those it floods the memories back.


Yes, it does me too. Both scents I think are great in their own respect.


On a related note: I've found that when I stop by the local Macy's or Nordstrom's, I try the Beautiful, and it smells old to me....like it's beginning to turn. (The salesgirls of course deny that it's old) but I know what I smell.....So I don't buy it. I want to buy some though. What to do? Where to go?

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I know. I like that stuff too. I have that and 'secret crush' by the same company. But Love Spell is so distinct, you can smell it from quite a ways, too.




I love Love Spell, I used to wear that a lot too. It smells like Kool Aid to me!! And it makes me want a big tropical drink or something!!

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whatever my second wife wore. it was hard to find and named after a flower. she's been in Heaven so long i forgot the name, but i will always remember that smell...


almost had it, it's on the tip of my tongue... freesia? is that a flower? something like that.


nowadays, no foo-foo required. i do like the residual scent of shampoo in a woman's hair though, mmmm. it's not a sex thing, i jest likes it.

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I have had two compliments on my scent in the last two days from a coworker of mine. Yesterday I had on gardenia lotion and today it was Rare Pearls from Avon. The first day he just picked up my wrist and sniffed and today he made the comment "if he wasnt married". Kind of creepy, but I guess its good to know i dont stink.

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