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Men: Type of fragrance you like on a woman?

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Instead of giving you the benefit of the doubt, I'm going to assume that most of you don't know the names of many fragrances.


So, I was wondering what type you like on a woman?






smells like food?



I've always had good experiences with fragrances like vanilla, caramel, coconut and sweet smelling things. Do you think they are too childish?

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First off I am all so insutled by your comment that I do not know the name of the stinky stuff that girls wear.


But to answer your question I like fragrances that are not that powerfull of a smell and have a plesant smell to them, like the ones you liste, vanilla, caramel, and coconut. But make sure you smell them first becuase some companies make the smell to strong. If I had to chose I would either go with vanilla, or the smell you get when you are in a flower garden on a bright sunny day in spring when all of the flowers are in bloom and you can smell the aroma from them. I have no idea what word from the stinky land (ie fragance land) repesents that lol.

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First off I am all so insutled by your comment that I do not know the name of the stinky stuff that girls wear.


I'm sorry if I offended you in any way It is true though. Most males I have encountered have no idea, they just know what smells good and what doesn't.


As for trying before buying, I definitely will. I went shopping for something today but I was too overwhelmed by all the options. That's why I thought I'd ask.

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Oooooooooh..Bath and Body Works is one of my FAVORITE stores. I LOVE

body sprays...especially Vanilla. I have a spray right now that smells like Coconut. I LOVE it. I work with the public ..and am often very close to people (I'm a hairdresser)..so hygiene is extremely important to me. I'd hate to have a client complain about my B.O.....lol. So I always have stuff on stock. I think body sprays are "softer" and not so overwhelming. I also like scented lotions because they tend to last longer.

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Body Shop! Body Shop! That place is heaven to me.


It really depends on your body. I can't wear sweet smells, bc it mixes with my body in a weird way.

It's odd bc when i was younger I could wear tropical, fruity stuff. Now it just stinks on me!


I think we each have our own unique smell preferences. Men included.


One of my favorites on men is Soap.

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I like many fragrances on a woman. But not when she has taken a bath in it. Or, even worse and even more prevalent is when she uses it to cover up body odour (hint: it doesn't work, soap and water is still necessary).

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