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I HATE LDR's!!! I refused to get in one but you know how that goes.....you don't chose them, they chose YOU! I fell in love with this guy and he is in Michigan and I'm in Cali (could we be any further?!?) he IS moving here for me but in a month or two! it's tooorrrttuuureee!!!!! does anyone have any coping mechinisms on how to bare LDR's!?!?

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I am I thank God everyday! *sigh* it's just soooooooo hard that's why I LOVE your quote! it reminds me of how grateful I should be every time I read it it totally relates!!!!

Don't worry. 2 months is 2 months. A little wait like that is worth it in the end.

The quote is very, very true.

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I agree with Sally. I think this is a HUGE step for a person to make when they have never met in person. I understand your plight but this guy is basically giving up everything for you. Be happy with that notion.


You have never met in person and you are the only reason he is moving accross the country? I would be grateful someone is willing to do all of that when he has yet to meet you. One or two months is not that long of a time to wait either...just keep yourself busy with summer.

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