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is it possible?

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It's a tough question. I don't think you can fall in love just through letters and phone conversations.


Love is about loving everything about that person, and to learn everything, it takes time. And I think it's hard to really know a person unless you can spend quality time with them in the same room.


I feel like you can develop strong feelings based off of letters and phone conversations. And usually that can lead to a great relationship.

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I think you can really like them and all but love not too sure. You need the physical connection, you need to see their quirks, you need to be able to look in their eyes and see whats inside.


My hairdresser told me about her husbands friend who had an online relationship with a gal for quite awhile. He was in love so he went to go finally meet her and she was a obese 45 year old passing herself off as a 22 year old fit blonde. It turns out she was still married a mother and had used her daughters pictures to send to him.

I think you can make an amazing connection through talking but the clencher is the physical connection. Plus didnt you say he is moving out to where you are? That is REALLY bold because you have never met.

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is is possible to be in love with someone you've never physically met? but that you know intimatly over phone/letters?


Absolutely it's possible, and I don't think that love is no different than the love for someone you do know in person.


However, who you believe this person is, and who they actually are might be different. The only way to know, is to be with them in person, for a length of time.

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I think it's completely possible. There's no absolute definition for love, and you can certainly care for somebody enough that you've never met but have formed a bond with that it's the same feeling you have for somebody that you do have physical contact with. At least, it works that way for me.

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I think you can fall for whom you perceive them to be, and I think you can fall in lust. I guess depending on your definition or understanding of love, it could happen....


But for me, if I am thinking of true love. But, I don't believe you fall in love until you have shared experiences in person with that person, and truly see their character, personality, how you interact and communicate and so forth. Until you know them flaws, quirks and all...and you accept one another completely and wholly. That to me is true love, and only happens with time and close contact in my opinion.

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Yes, I did meet him online but we have been talking on the phone for a while, and I believe you can fall in love and I believe it can actually be deeper than in person because in person you have alot of that physical aspect taking over...lust, attraction, and hours of just watching movies or whatever. but this way, we have nothing to do BUT to get to know each other and talk and talk and talk. You get to still see their quirks, their moods, their qualities. I believe it is still quality time this way because it can get deep. I mean, their are couples that are physically together but do not really know each other because of lack of communication. So to me it's about the quality not the quantity. and yes Elektra, he is moving accross country for me*sigh* so romantic

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I would not say that being together in person precludes you from knowing them emotionally and mentally. Physical is there yes, but it is also part of a healthy relationship.


I would not say that falling in love on the phone/online is "deeper" than in person. I would say there are some people in person whom don't progress to a higher level, but there are those whom meet "online" and don't progress either. You really do need that...in person time...to really develop love. Love is not something that is created overnight..it is action, not just feeling.


As someone whom has done online dating, and talked to many people over the years before meeting them, I would say that you really don't know them until you meet them. When you talk, you are always on your best behaviour, you can't be that way in person all the time. You really are shown the best side of them, the side that is also in someway protected. Also, you fill in the gaps with your own conceptions about whom they are.


This is why I say that until you are together in person, it is not that true love as you truly get to know one another.


Yes, I think you can fall in love with what you believe they are, and how you believe it would be, but until the reality matches that, or exceeds that, it does not develop to TRUE love. But, maybe I just have a very different idea of love. I am not trying to rain on your parade, I just think true love comes at a level beyond what you can know about a person before you meet, no matter how much you talk online and on the phone.


Are you going to meet IN PERSON before he moves accross the country for you?

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