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tattoo's.........hot or not?

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whats everyone's opinions on tattoo's??


im a big fan of tattoo's. i love the history, the art, the practice.

although im not an artist nor do i tattoo i admire what people can do.


im basically covered from my left hip to my left shoulder. i have a chinese style fire dragon. the head is on my left shoulder. the body/tail of the dragon cover 1/2 my back, and wraps around my ribs to my stomach.

a part of the tail drops just below my pant line on my hip and comes back accross and up my upper back.

9 hours for just the outline. we will start shading next month.

eventually ill have flames coming from the dragons mouth that stop at my elbow. then ill take a break. i know it wont be my last piece. its really just a foundation for many more to come.


since this is a BIG tattoo.................would this freek some woman out?

i didnt do this to impress people. this is something i did for me.

would you not approach a guy or talk to a guy because of this?

would you be more attracted to him because of it?

does it even really matter?

would you think someone was/is a certain stereotype because of some tatto's?


im just curious as to what some first reactions might be.

if you saw me on the street im just your regular guy. shirt/jeans/sneakers.


if i loose the shirt you may think otherwise. thats what i love about tattoo's. you never know whos got what, where.


who else has them? regret it? do it again?

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In general I don't like it when anybody is covered in tattoos.


I think it is important that if you are going to do that kind of thing that it is for yourself and not anybody else. Tattoos are a one way street, it is permanent and cannot be removed without expensive and painful laser surgery.


Personally, I don't find women who are covered in tattoos attractive. This is not to say I don't think it is right and they should not do it, it is just something I do not like and I do not want to have a partner that is covered in ink. If I was in a bar and there was a young woman who was covered in tattoos, I most likely wouldn't bother striking up a conversation.


Sure a small tattoo on the hip or on the lower back does look attractive, I just think large tattoos or people who have a lot of ink isn't appealing.

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I don't have any tats, but have thought of getting one, more earth tone sort of like a mehndi design. One of the sweetest guys I knew as an undergrad had full sleeves and his whole back done. He had scenes from the Sistine Chapel on one arm and back and tribal designs on the other arm. I never judged him by his tats, I thought he was a great guy because of his personality. I'm curious and appreciate the art of it so when I see a person with a really cool tat I would like to see it all. My friend laughed so hard when I asked him to take off his shirt, I didn't mean it to sound like a come on, I just wanted to see the ink work.

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I don't like tattoos. They look trashy to me.


The fact they're permanent too is if-y. When you're old and wrinkly, it'll look like a big blob. I've seen it. Not attractive.


If I want something drawn on me, I'll use a pen or a sharpie. Because I know I'm gonna be going to some place formal or something important and I don't want some tattoo standing out for all to see... not very professional looking.


I respect my body. So... that's what I think!

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I have no problem with a small, personal tattoo, but big gaudy tattoos I find offensive. I work at two hospitals and I work with alot of elderly people. When I see them covered in tattoos with their wrinkly, aged skin, I just find it kind of yucky.


I think a small, tastefully done tattoo can be sexy (example, a friend of mine has a small lion on his ankle, representation of what his name means where he is from. That tattoo is personal to him, small, and tastefully done, so it's OK.


I also have a friend who, like you, has covered himself in large tattoos, and I just find it unattractive and gaudy.


Sorry, no offense to you and I respect your choice that you like it and it's your body, but it's just not my thing.

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Just know that if you do have a visible tattoo it can affect your career.


This is a good point too. Alot of businesses are hesitant to hire someone who is covered with visible tattoos, particularly in businesses where the person would be working closely with the public. Not because you are not a good worker, but simply because of how the general public may perceive someone covered in tattoos, and how that person would represent the company.


Of course this varies greatly with what you do for a living, some places are just fine with it.

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I'm with Hope. Small ones don't bother me. And I also have guy friends who are very into tattooing their whole bodies. I personally just don't like it.


Tattoos are the kind of thing where I won't judge someone who has them. I mean, it's your body, put art on it all you want. But I still just don't find it attractive.


But I know lots of girls who like it a lot.

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the body/tail of the dragon cover 1/2 my back, and wraps around my ribs to my stomach.

a part of the tail drops just below my pant line on my hip and comes back accross and up my upper back.

eventually ill have flames coming from the dragons mouth that stop at my elbow.


That sounds really cool. I love tattoos to the point where I'd get my entire body (other than arms, neck, and face) completely covered. I just wouldn't get any where a dress shirt with some sleeve wouldn't hide them if I needed to do something.


Also, I'd NEVER get my boyfriend/fiance/husbands name on my body although I'm getting my son's name and something for him tattooed soon after he's born. I got my first at 13

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Also, another one that I'm getting is "amor" on the inside of my lip. My fiance got it for me a few weeks ago and once I have the baby, I'm getting it. It's something that will be between us but it won't be like something really horrible if something happened and we broke up. It's not like it's his name, it's just "love" in latin.

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Big BIG fan of tattoos. Got my first one 4 years ago, and I can't get enough. I've got most of my left arm starting about 3 inches above my elbow covered. I dig tattoos on a girl. Whether its something small on their ankle or a whole sleeve, it doesn't matter(providing it didn't come from prison lol), I think it looks fantastic.


I wouldn't say mine mean anything specifically, I just love the idea of tattoos, the artistry and the whole experience. I'm okay with the fact that they may not be "fashionable" in 10 years, thats not why I did it. I've also accepted the fact that one day I might be wrinkled, and they might look ridiculous. I expect to be senile some day, and maybe it'll be fun to look in the mirror and wonder how all those colours got on my arm, and why it won't come off.


Tattoos; You either love em or hate em. There ain't no third direction.

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I don't much care for or against them, with one exception.

I'm a graphic artist, and I see some really horrid work on young people who will carry it for life. If you want tatts go to a fine artist for decent work. Pay the extra for a skilled job.


I once saw a beautiful young lady with a neck tatt that was heinously bad, and it made me sad all day. SHe may love it, but that doesn't make it art.

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im basically covered from my left hip to my left shoulder. i have a chinese style fire dragon. the head is on my left shoulder. the body/tail of the dragon cover 1/2 my back, and wraps around my ribs to my stomach.

a part of the tail drops just below my pant line on my hip and comes back accross and up my upper back.

9 hours for just the outline. we will start shading next month.

eventually ill have flames coming from the dragons mouth that stop at my elbow. then ill take a break. i know it wont be my last piece. its really just a foundation for many more to come.


While it sounds awesome, and would probably get my attention it would probably not be something i'd want to see every day.


Simple tattoos are a turn on for me, depending what they are... while I dont want to see butterflies on my man I dont want to see bloody skulls either. Dragons are cool though


I like tattoos, well... some of them. I have some, on my arm that I regret getting some days, and absolutely adore others. I've contemplating getting another, but I have all too often wished I had never gotten the one I have, so I've continued to talk myself out of it everytime the thought crosses my mind.

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I once saw a beautiful young lady with a neck tatt that was heinously bad, and it made me sad all day. SHe may love it, but that doesn't make it art.

My old roomie had a tat that was like that, except hers was less obvious on her hip. I thought it was horrible and could have been something a lot more special. It was a bee, her initials were BEE, to me it was a bad rip off of some sports team logo that was poorly rendered.

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One girlfriend I had some time ago had a tat on her ankle and one at the small of her back, which I secretly call a License Plate. They were nicely done. Yet she also wore a Barbell in her tongue, nipple rings, and one chain thru her labia.

Of course the first time in the sack together, I didn't know if I should just call in a mechanic or get out the tools and work on her myself.

So I think tats are fine.

She chained her labia to her nipple?!?! Was it going to run away? I don't get chain stuff, it would freak me out to have as much metal in bed as guy.

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I read this somewhere and I kind of believe it to be true...


"The only difference between a person with a tattoo and a person without a tattoo is that the person with the tattoo doesn't CARE if the person without the tattoo has one or not."


I've had two for over ten years. I don't regret either one. I think however if you're questioning...(I admit I didn't read all of the post lol sorry! i'll go back) that you not get one. Anyone for that matter. Until you're absolutely sure. who wants to pay for a coverup or a laser removal (though those are getting better every day!)? just don't get someone's name on you - my only suggestion. heh.


Personally i thnk they're hot. i like tribal designs. usually the people i gravitate to have tatts, BUT ive friends without - maybe more without than with.

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I read this somewhere and I kind of believe it to be true...

"The only difference between a person with a tattoo and a person without a tattoo is that the person with the tattoo doesn't CARE if the person without the tattoo has one or not."


This is true, those of use with tattoos are just cooler.


lol, yeah I'm kidding, but SOMEONE had to say it.

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