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For some reason I just don't have any hobbies. And its really starting to bother me. I can also tell its getting on my boyfriends nerves too. I need something that I enjoy doing that will keep me busy, so I'm not always waiting around for him. He has a few hobbies that he's passionate about (skateboarding, hondas) and I feel like I should have something that I can enjoy doing without him.


The problem is I can't really think of anything (hobby-wise) I'd enjoy doing, something that I'd do just by myself. I don't have a lot of friends in the town I live in (most of my friends I met in college and now live throughout the country) so its not like I can just call up a girl friend and we can go get our nails done or go shopping. I do alot of stuff with my mom cause we are close, but I need something that I can get excited about. Does anyone have any ideas? What hobbies do you all have? Thanks!

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I don't generally have much time on my hands because I am flying all the time but I do have a few hobbies aside from that to take my mind off it:


Sports - I regulary play soccer, cricket, tennis and football... I also like to go ten pin bowling every so often. I also Scuba dive in the warmer seasons of the year when I have enough money.


Model making - Every now and then I sit down and make a model of some sort. I grew up doing this so I figured to keep it going.


Reading - I find sometimes it is a good way to fill in time.


Those are just a few of my hobbies, I hope you find what you can do to keep you active.

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I dont have hobbies as such but went back to college, at night to study a course, and I have found myself busy as a bee and with a whole bunch of new friends! In fact friends so close that we are going on holiday together next month to France for a week.


You don't have to pick something extremely academic. I had my heart broken and was bored and restless in my life, (3 years ago) so I flicked through a college brochure looking for something that would keep me busy and occupied but not be boring or difficult. I was torn between photography and Counselling and Psychotherapy and in the end I chose counselling. Im almost qualified, I have my own list of clients that I visit each weekend to counsel, I have supervision once a month, I have my own personal counselling to ensure that I am dealing with other people;s problems okay, I have college two nights a week, I couldnt possibly complain of being bored!


I love it, its great, really interesting and I have made some excellent friends who I have a lot of fun with.


Why not look into a college near you, night courses or afternoon courses if you work part time?

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It would be hard to say what hobbies would be best for you, since hobbies are different for everybody. What do you find yourself doing when you're bored? I usually find myself drawn to art-related activities (going to the park and just making a few sketches of things I see). Sometimes if I feel like escaping to another world, I pick up a book. A book would be your best bet since it covers so many genres now, everyone could find something they like! Cycling or just walking are also great. Explore your options and see what you find best for you.

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Well, you really have to look at what YOU are interested in because hobbies are things that interest US, otherwise they are just extra work


I love being active & in the outdoors, so my hobbies are running, mountain biking, yoga/gym, camping, hiking, paddling and so on..both solo and with others. I also enjoy doing my artwork (though I am rather time pressed for it now unfortunately!) I also love to just go out with my sister for sushi nights, or do some 'remodelling' on the house like painting or something.


Find something you have always sort of been interested in, and thought was cool and look for a local club. There are lots of photography clubs for example, or running groups, or group climbing lessons, or portrait (art) classes. Even volunteering is a great hobby that also helps OTHERS and yourself. You never know, you might develop that slight interest into a passion!

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Hobbies are a great way to enrich your life. It takes a love of learning something new to be more than just something to occupy your time. Find something that you have always wanted to learn it will be much more enjoyable that way.


As for your BF it may be a case of him thinking you are not very motivated. I have to say it was difficult in my last relationship with me having a variety hobbies and her literally having none. I really think its difficult in relationships where people have different levels of activity. Maybe your BF feels like he cant really persue his hobbies because what are you goignt o do in the meantime. Maybe it bothers you when he is so "preoccupied". Maybe not. But think of living 20, 30 years in a situation where one person is always busy doing things and the other isnt.

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I have tons of hobbies that grew out of curiosity.

I was walking near a dumpster full of nylon cloth and ended up very involved with stuntkite design and flying, and my designs are flying round the world. I got into kayaking and designed and built my own. I asked for a beer in a dry county in North Carolina, and the waiter convinced me to try home brewing. I've taken night classes in astronomy, pottery. navigation and music. Rennovated houses, cars, motorbikes, outboard motors, boats and got into sailing, kitebuggying, blah, blah blah. You get the picture. At my age I've had tons of hobbies and often return to the better ones.


It always starts with a curiosity, a library search and before you know it I have a new hobby. Since I became single, I had to drop a number of hobbies for now, so I bought a motorcycle. It keeps me grinning, but now I want to restore a classic old bike. One thing leads to another.


I want to learn to roll my own cigars someday.

It's endless.

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Dako made great suggestions of concepts and solid things.


All depends on your curiosity.


I am more into software. Open source software that is. It needs artwork, programming, documentation, testing...


This planets diversity makes choice hard but at least you have a choice.

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guys, hand rolling is not a hobby, it's an art.


speaking of which... GF, what artistic talents do you have? can you draw? write poetry? play guitar? do you have an eye for a good photo? can you make things out of clay?


i've always admired those who can haul scrap metal out of a junkyard and turn it into beautiful sculptures.


everyone has some sort of natural talent that should not be allowed to go to waste. i would urge you to consider yours and start your hobby quest from that point.


have fun!

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Thanks everyone for the responses. I've always been musically inclined, played the violin (elementry school) and the flute (middle and high school), so maybe I'll try learning a new instrument. And I always think about maybe taking a night class, they have all sorts, like art classes, design, stuff like that, I just always forget to register. I guess I just have to try different things till I find something that really excites me. You wouldn't think it would be this hard, but for some reason it is for me. I love beach, and going to the pool, but I don't consider that a hobby, more like a leisure activity. I love to have fun, so this has really been bothering me that I can't find something fun that I could be passionate about. Thanks everyone for the insight, I appreciate it greatly!

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Thanks everyone for the responses. I've always been musically inclined, played the violin (elementry school) and the flute (middle and high school), so maybe I'll try learning a new instrument. And I always think about maybe taking a night class, they have all sorts, like art classes, design, stuff like that, I just always forget to register. I guess I just have to try different things till I find something that really excites me. You wouldn't think it would be this hard, but for some reason it is for me. I love beach, and going to the pool, but I don't consider that a hobby, more like a leisure activity. I love to have fun, so this has really been bothering me that I can't find something fun that I could be passionate about. Thanks everyone for the insight, I appreciate it greatly!


Cool you like the pool. Well learn to become a better swimmer. Great exercise and you can never be too good of a swimmer.

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OK how about a hobby that gets you out and about, has a larning carve of skill and is fun, you can do it any where and any time, and others think is cool, helps your remember the best things in your life.



from Pin holes, to digial back LSRs its has so much in it,

Its and Art form and a craft, there are 1000s of books on its history and forms.


I have mates, who do

FAshtom Photography

Sports Photography

Mountaniring Photography

Splunking Photography

Motoabike Photography

Art Photography.


The thing to remember is with Photography low cost kit means you have to think more about what you coint to captuer in the frame.


From the moment you start you will look at images in a hole new light, and the more you learn about it the mare you see the craft the more you will talk about kit.


I always carry a Camira, not a note or sceach book, I use photos to help me pain, but I also use them as art them selfs.


For $100 you can get your self a nice second hand Digital.


My perinal favert camira is a East German Pratica 35mm SLR.

I use slide film with an high color content.


And preject them up.


Well you did ask


Hope I my words are of use..




Cheack out


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A History of Photography


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