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upset beyond belief!!!!!!!:mad:

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well today i was with hang out with my crush (P) and some of my "friends". one of my friends is a evil, manipulative, back stabbing * * * * * who only cares about herself! i'll call her J.


well a couple weeks ago J had sex with a mutal friend of ours crush...which has made everything in my "group" uncomfortable....and made me think even less of her.


well she called me today and wanted to hang out...i said i was already hanging out with P and she said "oh thats ok, i'll hang out with the both of you" so i said oooooooookkkkkkkkkkk..so she and another friend of mine came along. J was flirting with P the whole fricken night! touching him and saying sutff...at one point she did this little "flip my hair thing then touch his arm" thing...i gave her the MEANIST, most evil glare ever...se saw and backed off...she was scared beyond belief...and i was happy.


but it didnt last for long...after a few minutes she was back to flirting with him...he didnt flirt back, it looked like he was uncomfortable, he kept looking at me and flirting with me and tried to ignore her...which made her mad then she yelled at me and stormed off...i caught up with her and we had a yelling contest...i swear i would have smashed her face into the fricken ground had it not been for my friend and P. so me and P went out for a walk alone and my friends went away.


all was pretty good then, we did some more flirting and stuff then he took me home and he went home too.


im soooo mad at her right now tho...i mean shes suppose to be my "friend" and she knew i liked him! i was to hurt her soooooo fricken badly....no one need to comment...i was just getting stuff out of my system instead of holding it inside

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She's not a friend, dump her. I dealt with a similar situation in HS, my best friend was a guy, I didn't have a crush on him, but he was a very special person to me. He started dating a mutual friend, I was skeptical considering this girl had previously told me when she slept with her ex she'd just take her promise ring off (a promise ring is a ring you get when you swear to not have sex until marriage). My best friend was very religious and thought that this girl was too, since what she told me was in confidence I didn't tell him. He eventually saw her for what was. After their break-up, she started spreading rumors about how they had sex and he mistreated her and so on. It was the last straw of her lies and pure meanness, I refused to talk to her and most of our friends followed suit. She ended up apologizing for the lies, but the smear she put on my friend's reputation could not be taken away by telling ME she was sorry, I told her to tell him. She never did so I never took her off my "black list".

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yeah i kno...i cant call her my friend anymore...she cant be trusted


I think P behaved himself in a respectable manner, and you should continue to see him, if he continues to be nice to you.


But obviously, J is not your friend, and I think you need to drop her immediately, just like a hot potato.


You might want to just drop the whole group, and hang out with people who don't base their self worth on whether or not they're able to "Win" some guy's attention away from other women, even if they're not otherwise even interested in said guy.

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