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Hi everyone....


I went through a very difficult breakup 2 months ago and the pain is still fresh.


I cry myself to sleep every night and I can't function well at all. I also have been diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder, which makes things a million times worse. Long story short: He was 23, I was 19....it was a 7-month relationship and I fell in love with him. Because of the GAD and some persistent childhood problems, I couldn't be my best and I couldn't fully give my heart, and I regret it so much. This made him think that I wasn't the right girl for him, even though he didn't get to know me properly because I was never fully 'there.'


I miss him so much and he's on my mind 24 hours a day. I know he's flirting with other girls already and has possibly been intimate with a few since the breakup, and that makes me sick.


I wish with all my heart that I could have him back.


How can I get over him? This is literally ruining my life.




Thank you.

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I'm sorry for your break-up. Keep on trying the whole therapy thing. I'm sure it'll help you out. We all go through our losses in life. But there are also big gains. You're only 19... greater things will happen to you. Don't worry about it. Pray to God and tell Him how you feel. Ask for the hope and the strength to move on in life. He will be there.

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I am sorry for how you feel. I also know alot about anxiety. Are you on any sort of medication? When I get really anxious over something I take Passionflower drops. It is an instant reliever of that anxiety. Check with local homeopathic stores in your area.


I know that when we break up with a person we love it is like this pain that wont go away. The thoughts invade our minds at all hours. The fact is it does get better. There is no timeline on when a person should "start getting over it." You must in order to move ahead. This could be a gray cloud with that proverbial silver lining.


Keep posting here we are here to help.

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Sorry to hear it. I've been fighting with GAD post break-up. People who haven't had it have no idea how awful it is. It is imperative to get diet under control..absolutely no substance abuse, coffee, smoking, drinking, etc. Get regular strenuous aerobic exercise..an hour a day. (And you might try dark chocolate). I think that if you attack the GAD problem the break-up pain will subside. The two are directly connected. GAD is depression. Get off of substances that make it worse, and you may have to get onto zoloft, or some other drug (yecchh). I guarantee that if you get rid of GAD you'll get rid of break-up pain.

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