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Been seeing this great gal for five months..everything is perfect for us (according to her)..even starting talking about an extended vacation next year.


She has very low self esteem, emotional issues - specifically, perfectionism..and believes she's a fraud (she's an ER Doctor..TONS of stress). Needs to be acknowledged by others, especially her mom, pushes me away in favor of a bunch of cops she knows (they give her LOTS of attention) , and has a very low opinion of herself.


She tells me she needs space to determine how she feels about me. She has told me she cares very deeply for me, but is unsure if it can go any further. She hasn't loved anyone since she was 21 (she's 36). persistent problem getting past an emotional wall with men.


What do I do?


A. Give her space, and in about a week, email her and tell her that I'm still thinking of her and that'll I'll support her whatever way i can


B. Call her now, and tell her that she has problems that I can not help her with. Tell her to call me when she feels she can continue with me in a healthy way.


C. Wait for her to call me. If she does, tell her that I'll be there 100% for her, only if she is willing to work on things 100%.


I think I'll pick C - primarily based on NC. Give her the gift of missing me and trying to figure out how she feels. When she calls, be prepared to let go...for me.





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Id try the email idea but modify it. Tell her your thinking of her but that she needs to figure stuff out before she calls you and then be ready for no call (or she'll go phyco and call every 10 min in which case option D is good)

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