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The Stone Dagger


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Keep in mind this was written in very free verse. That means I came up with my own pattern for it and stayed consistent. It is meant to be read as 8-9-9-6, though that may not sound as good as most rhyme patterns. Either way it works, and I managed to tell a story with multiple morals and lots of rhyming. Enjoy!


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The Stone Dagger


Listen closely and you will hear

a story of heartache, pain, and tears

that comes from within the deep, dark fear

of being all alone.


He only felt genuine love

for his dear, sweet, purest, turtle dove

until the day through his heart she shoved

a dagger made of stone.


She thrust it once, she thrust it twice,

but the fact that she had made the slice

is what turned his heart to solid ice

and chilled him to the bone.


His love for her destroyed his life

as the man that made that cold stone knife

was the man that also stole his wife

as he lay there alone.


What kind of justice can she see

in giving away her heart's gold key

to a man who forged some cutlery

using only cold stone.


She lived her days out, deep in shame

not knowing if she should take the blame.

No new love is ever quite the same

as that destroyed by stone.


She feels alone, but with a guy

as fickle love can so quickly die.

The bones of her true, sweet love are dry

and cold as dagger's stone.


So hold your love close by your side

as your selfish, gruesome fears of pride

can steal your love from beneath your eyes

and leave you all alone.

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