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Back and Chest pains

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I had a slightly aching back when I went to bed, and at about 5am I woke up because it was killing me!


The top part of my spine (near the shoulder blades) really hurts and my chest hurts from the left shoulder accross my left side to the breast bone. It hurts to take deep breaths so I'm having to breathe lightly.


Any idea what it is or any way to relieve it?

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you can also try Robaxicet (sp?), a muscle relaxant for muscle spams. It works well for back pains. However, if this is your first time be advised that it can make you REALLY relaxed!


A hot water bottle or a hot bath also helps for back pain too.


I also like tiger balm - it's smelly, but it heats up on contact and is really soothing.

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This sounds to me like a heart problem. I don't want to scare you, but it could be serious. Of course it could just be muscle aches, but left chest pain with trouble breathing spells heart issue to me. If I were you, I would go to an ER pronto. Better safe than sorry!

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I took some ibuprofen and had a hot bath which helped ease it, and I think it is just muscle pains. My breathing is much easier now and my back and chest, though still hurt, are less painful than they were.

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Once I pulled a tiny muscle in my mid-back and it felt like a rib had cracked and was jabbing my lungs. I was having trouble breathing deeply and the pain was so intense, I was in tears (not common as I have a high threshold for pain). The pain subsided after ten hours and fortunately, I was able to forego the medications (which I don't tend to use much)... pain meds and muscle relaxers.

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ok, well, not to scare you, but when I was in high school, I knew quite a few of my classmates that died at 16 of sudden heart failure. They just never knew they had heart conditions.


It does happen, once in a while, you'll hear of a perfectly healthy teen just collapsing. their heart just gives out.


I think it's better to be safe than sorry, go to the doctor, so you at least know everything is good and healthy.


don't mess around when it comes to your heart and lungs.

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