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I am pissed.


Not only did she tell me just 3 weeks after she broke up with me that she had been sleeping with someone else without relationship or commitment behind it.


She told me it was the dude that she had had a crush on for 6+ months before we broke up, meaning she had been having an emotional affair.


She told me that she couldn't wait till her parents went on vacation for two weeks so they they could screw some more.


Not only did she tell me, but she forced it upon me, after me telling her that I didn't want to her about her love life. I guess I didn't hear about a love life, I just hear about her skanking life.


And I'm pissed.


Not that she did that, or told me about it, or is probably continuing to do it.


But because I have 2 hours before I need to be up for work and I'm thinking about it, about her and about how much I am still hung up on her.


This sucks.

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what a * * * *ing lousy cow

I know it sucks... I really, really know how this stuff eats you up...

PLEASE try not to dwell on it

meet some new ppl... keep yourself busy.. and properly busy, not just venting on the internet

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wow she's indeed not worth any of your attention, damn I would really ban her out of your life even if you have had a longlasting relationship. this is so immoral I can't even believe someone can be this low.. really, just leave her now, don't talk to her anymore unless you want to tell her what you think about her and her latest actions.. walk away for good if you can.. ignore her even when she's begging for your attention (but she most likely won't anyway!).. you are better than her, don't tell her, just act rationally, don't let your emotions control your mind, you are the master of your brain.. keep us updated.. you can do whatever you want to do, even if it's just venting on the internet, just stay focussed on your work when you have to, it's not worth losing a job! take care dude!

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If all you're getting out of speaking with her is more grief that is preventing you from moving on, then you shouldn't continue to speak to her at all. Go no contact.


Her actions are very cruel and not the kinds of behavior you should look for from a friend or lover. It's hard if you still have feelings for her but ultimately you have to realize that what you once had is now gone, and it can never work out between you.


Keeping as busy as you can with other things is a good idea.

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I know at the time I told her I was completely over her, even though I wasn't. I was just trying to be strong. I told her we were friends, and she could tell me anything, but that we should keep our love lifes secret for a while.


Then she pressed

And Pressed.


So I let her tell me.


I didnt get pissed, just told her I was disappointed in her, cause I thought she was better than that.


Then for the next 3 weeks I made excuses for her, she was just trying to make me jealous, she's didn't realize it would hurt me, etc.


I'm out of excuses.


Now I'm just pissed.


I'm glad I told her not to contact me anymore a week ago. Cause if I saw her I would probably go off. And she was the one contacting me the last two weeks before I told her that, can you believe it?


Ugh, I never want to hate people but I feel like I HATE her right now. I am thinking of just writing her off and giving up on being friends ever again, even though I told her we could be friends after a month or so of NC.


With friends like her you dont need enemies.

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You have a right to be angry. I certainly would be if I were in your situation. Angry as you are though, letting her know it would be a mistake. I think she doesn't want you to be over her, and she tells you these things to push your buttons. She wants to get a reaction from you. So if she calls you up and tells you all sorts of things and you blow up at her, in the end it is what she wants because she knows that if you are angry you still aren't over her.


The best reaction is no reaction. And the best way to give no reaction is not to not speak to her or listen to her at all. That will send a powerful message and sooner or later she will give up and stop contacting you.


Not answering the phone even when you know it's her on the caller ID is hard (harder than eating just one Lay's potato chip), but it's the best thing you can do.

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I agree, the reason she pushed it on you is to get a reaction out of you. My ex does this constantly too. Even when we were together.


Recently shes said things like how she didnt feel all that guilty about not telling me right away about the other guy. Suprisingly I didnt blow up but instead laughed and said you have to be kidding me. Then she told me that she did that because she was hurt by me lying.


She also says stupid things like how she wants to go show her boobs off at a concert. At first I didnt react to that, but later when I mentioned it she said she was just doing that to make me react.


Stupid things like that are childish, I realize she needs to grow up, I realize shes hurt by things I did, but she needs to realize I am hurt by things she did also. She thinks that we can be on talking terms whenever she feels like it. We Can't. It's either she wants to work on things or shes out of my life. She made the decision and she has to stick with it.


No Contact is a really good tool, it is irking the * * * * of my ex that I am not talking to her and not making her a priority anymore.


She has now twice logged onto my screen name and unblocked herself. She even called me which is something she hasnt done in months. She said that blocking her doesnt bother her but she wanted me to tell her I was doing it. I told her that was crap since if she has logged onto my name twice to unblock herself, obviously it is bothering her that she cant talk to me.


The phone conversation was interesting because it wasnt a big argument or anything, but it was a discussion of stuff that hurt each other. She still thinks about me alot obviously if shes checking to see if i'm online all the time. She was also home for the first time in a long time on a friday night. I really hope she is thinking long and hard about what she is tossing away.


Best of luck to you man, but what a * * * *ty thing to do to someone. My ex also forced upon me how she tried with some guy but that he didnt give her the time of day. I didnt want to hear it but she just threw it out there. I think they do this to throw it in our face, did you do something that hurt your ex? If so maybe she is throwing this back in your face to try and get back at you. Either that or she is just a classeless skank.


Go into No Contact and let her realize you are out of her life. She really needs to feel that because right now she knows you are there to unload her * * * * on.

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