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Pat On The Back!!!!


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At times we all come down hard on ourselves or others. We usually are our own harshest critic. We cannot seem to find the positive or the strides we make each day.


I have learned many many bad habits over the years and have always come down hard on myself. Lately I have been making little milestones in my life and I am darn proud of them and of myself. I want to acknowledge myself and pat myself on the back. I still need to work on some things but hey any step is a good step right?



I have to say I am pretty proud to finally realize and acknowledge that it isn't always about me. The world doesn't revolve around me. By this I mean if a friend doesn't call me when they say they will it has NOTHING to do with me. It could mean something came up, they are helping another friend, fell asleep, or their phone is out of battery juice. They WILL tell me if it is about me if they don't and split then I guess they weren't a true friend anyways.



So Enotters with all that is happening with you and your lives what is that something you are most proud of yourself for??

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I find I have difficulty stopping and patting myself on the back. Especially if I dont make an effort to do it. Its kind of like I say to myself "next (goal)" and move on to the next thing. A recent thing I am proud of is how I conducted my recent interview with a large company. The mornign was very hectic as my plane arrived 3 hours before the interview, problems with the driver being late and hotel room stuff meant I ended up having 1 hour to doll myself up and get ready for the intereview.


The interview was with the 2 VPs and another with the president and I was in control the whole interveiw in fact I think they talked more than I did. When salary talk came up unexpected I had to really think on my feet and ended up getting them to first mention a figure. I am sure I have a job however until I get a written proposal I wont count my chickens. the experience alone however was worth everything and I feel much more prepared for the next one should I need to.

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