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The Rockstar or The Marine


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Hello all. I like these two guys. They are brothers. But they are totally opposite from one another.


The Rockstar


Good things:

Easy to talk to


Best Personality of the two

Sexy long hair

Very funny




Bad things:

Very rebellious

He's a bit selfish

He's very untraditional

He burps, farts and cusses infront of girls, or anyone for that matter

He had alot of tattoos and two or three piercings.


The Marine


The Good:






Clean cut


The Bad:

He lets his pride get in the way of alot of things

He's very 'manly' and rarely shows emotion

He has to pay for everything (To me thats bad)

He's a bit uptight and hard to talk to

He is sports crazy. On a bad level too

He's narrowminded.


Whom do you think I should choose?

The Rockstar is my age, 2 months older, and the Marine is 21. I'm 17.

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oooohhhh tough one. Too bad there's not a combo out there somewhere....



....wait there is. I say don't get involved with brothers. That'll be weird forever.


OR - go for the one closer to your age. Being that he's still young enuff, he'll most likely grow into a more mature person, at some point. Prolly won't ever be his brother, but prolly become more mature than he is now....


good luck with this one...

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I am going to have to agree and say that it is not a good idea to get involved with brothers because it is going to cause trouble in whatever relationship you have down the line. I dont know your exact dealings with each guy but choosing between brothers makes things too difficult. You are 17 and there are plenty of other guys out there.

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the marine might have to leave if something happens, could you deal with that? honestly i would go with the marine because hes more my type(armys and navy and air force is better though hehe.) anyway,i wouldnt get involved with brothers but if you have to choose i would go with the rockstar...

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I dated a marine and it was very difficult to maintain because he was away so much. it puts alot of pressure on the relationship.


But I agree with the others that getting involved with brothers is a bad idea - I've been there and done that and it just caused alot of hurt, especially between the brothers.

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I'd rather have an engineer .


So, if someone's an engineer AND an astronomer, would the advantage of being an engineer outweigh the disadvantage of being an astronomer?


BTW, I'm both but I did suggest to Beautie a YOUNG astronomer, so that would exclude me!

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A date with the Rockstar


A baggyish untucked tanktop advertising Metallica

Blue Jeans

Brown Vans shoes

Two leather wistbands

A leather necklace, with a guitar ornament.



Drive-in movie

We saw 'Click'



He both had a shake and a cheeseburger



This guy is so much fun! He knows when to be serious, but when our conversations are friendly, he makes the funniest jokes, and he makes me laugh so much.

He's pretty emotional. He cried about 2 times during 'Click.' I found it sweet.

He paid for the meal and everything. He thinks that whomever asks should have to pay. And he asked.



He did swear a few times.

He burped inside the concession stand. But he laughed and excused himself.

On the way home, we took turns playing our music.

Most of his music was pretty bad, unmorale heavy metal stuff.


Grade for the Rockstar:




Date with The Marine


He wore his uniform.



I forget the name, but it was this really fancy restaurant.



He had a large steak.

I had Catfish.



This guy is very serious, but he's very polite and a very good gentleman. He also looked hot and buff in his uniform! We talked about things from:




The future


And college.



For the most part, our conversations were pretty dull.

After conversing, I can conclude that he is very old fashioned and narrow minded

He mad a very appalling comment about a man with a ponytail, saying that he wasn't a real man and didn't have genetals.


Grade for the Marine:


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Date with an astronomer:




Casual but smart




Restaurant followed by cimena




Pepper steak, Chinese or Indian




Will answer questions about astronomy and the universe but will not ram it down your throat. Will talk to you about your interests in life, family, school/job and friends. Will not feel that it is unfeminine to have an appetite and will feel irritated by a girl who keeps on about calories at a meal




The only negatives an astronomer understands are those to do with photography!




Will not expect you to jump into bed on the first date but would like to know you as a person first. However, will know how to press the right buttons when the time comes




A Star




Find yourself a young, single astronomer. We're not nerdy types but are just normal people who appreciate God's Creation. We like to share our hobby with those who are interested. This week, I'm away on business and have my telescopes with me. I've had loads of people, young and not so young ask if they can take a look.

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How do they feel about you dating them?


Because I have to say, if I found out that a guy I was interested in went out with my sister that would pretty much be the end of him and a pretty big fight with my sister.

They both know about me. And they are both cool, since neither of them have any claim on me.

I'm leaning towards...


The astronomer

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