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Do you think this is normal?


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So, I have been under a lot of stress (I am afraid this is self inflicted)and my body has been acting pretty weird lately. I was nautious, exhausted, and breast were a little sensitive. When I was late for my period I took two pregnancy tests, which both turned out negative (WHEW!). On the fourth day after I was supposed to start, I started spotting a little bit so I called my gyn nurse and had her call me in some pills. I started taking my pills that day and I my period is not full blown yet. I have been off the pill for about a year, and I have been like clockwork with the same expectation of flow every month and the most extreme pain ever. Now I have almost no flow, and no pain, I have only been on the pill for two days! I kind of feel like I rushed into getting back on the pill, but with such a scare I didn't want to take another chance.


So my question is: Is it normal for the pill to effect the first period in such a way or should I be concerned that I am pregnant?

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I would wait a bit and re-test. It's quite possible that you ARE pregnant, but that the tests did not detect it, as you took them rather early.


Other than that, since you just started taking the pill, that would prevent your period from coming, so you would just skip a period - I'd say what you're experiencing is normal.

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Yes I have been sexually active, and no I didn't use protection.


......I haven't been on the pill for over a year but my husband and I have used the withdrawal method for the entire eight years we have been together. I know that method does create a huge risk, but we have never had such a scare........Recently I started having an affair, and we didn't use protection but he did withdrawal. So now you may understand a little of my stress.


After a couple of days of spotting, my period never came on full, infact it was over. I think this is probably because of me starting the pill, but still I am creating my own stress that could have affected this as well.


I am going to wait another week to do a retake. Between now and then all I have is time to sit and dwell on my actions and what consequences they may bring.

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Okay without passing any judgement here, if you are going to have affairs use protection! You could possibly contract a sexually transmitted desease... Even something without a cure like AIDS.. Be smart and use condoms. It would be horrible to find out that not only did you have something but you had passed it onto your husband as well!

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Okay without passing any judgement here, if you are going to have affairs use protection! You could possibly contract a sexually transmitted desease... Even something without a cure like AIDS.. Be smart and use condoms. It would be horrible to find out that not only did you have something but you had passed it onto your husband as well!

I have to agree with SouthernGirl on this one.


This is a very dangerous time to be having unprotected sex- especially since you are sleeping with more than one partner and your husband is not aware that you are potentially placing yourself and him at risk.


Many STI's carry no outward symptoms but can wreak devestation on your body and reproductive system. As you know, some can kill, and some have no cure. Many people who carry STI's are not even aware that they have them.... and thereforeeee can think they are "clean", when they are actually passing the STI to their sexual partners.


I am not going to preach to you about the affair-I think what you are doing is very wrong but you can live with your own conscience on that one- but if you are going to cheat on your spouse- be smart and protect yourself and your husband.

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