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I called


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Well I called Erin(my ex). It turned out well.


She was being nice and sweet like she wanted me to call.



*she answered*

E - Hello

Z - Is Erin there?

E - This is her

Z - Oh hey

E - Hi

Z - I was about to workout and, I decided to call an wish you a happy birthday.

E - Oh I got your card today. Thanx for the card. (somethin like that she said thanx for the card)

~ Me and her talk about how she saw me the other night leavin TKD and how she tried to wave to me ~

~ Then we talked about her car ~

Z - Ok well I have to go workout

E - Oh (sounds surprised) ok well thanx for the card

Z - Ok bye

E - Thanx for callin

Z - its alright (damnit I need to learn to say Your Welcome, I never do)

*hung up*


By hangin up first I think that made her sorta want what she cant have I guess. She knows she can have me whenever though. Im stuck on her.

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Hey Z,


I've been working this breakup thing for quite a while now (my bf of 9 months and I have been on and off since day one)...and YOU ARE DOING A FABULOUS JOB!!!


Keep her missing you, keep her wondering what is so exciting and fun in your life that you need and want to go do something other than be with her, keep her thinking that perhaps she may have made a mistake...


And although, I would normally say DON"T CALL AT ALL...I think this particular situation was OK because it was her B-day...you showed you still cared and thought of her, but then you also moved on quickly, leaving her to think about you the rest of the night.


Keep up the good work! She just may be back before you know it!

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Yeah good job. Especially the quick exit. She needs think of positive experiences and you as the same thing. That can be hard to do with an ex. But how did she sound on the phone? Was she just coming off as polite? Stay in casual contact, but I'd wait for her to contact you. Or else she's going to notice you are desperate. Today she probably thought you were just being nice, I hope.


Take it slow, like today and listen to her not what she says. So that way whenever she feels a need that someone else can't/doesn't give her. There's old zwarren, the one that understands her needs. Don't give her anything she doesn't want. It will ether go unnoticed or blow your cover (that you want her as more). That would be bad. Remember give her what she wants, that includes giving yourself.


Good luck, you're going to need it this girl has way to much influence on you IMO.

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Part of what made it work so good is most of her friends are out of town. See two of her friends really dont like me and they make it hard for me to talk to her. I talked to this girl named Ashley (her friend that does like me) and she said that her new b/f took Erin out somewhere last night. Ill find out some more details today. And I think she was actually glad I called. I dont think she was just being polite.

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OK I have talked to a few of her friends(that like me). This girl named Brittany told me that Josh had a surprise for her. Well I found out from Ashley that as far as she knows they only went out to eat. When I called Ashley she asked " If I talked to Erin lately?" she said it like she knew somethin, and I said "Not since her birthday." When I asked why she wanted to know she said that she was just wondering. Well I dunno if Erin told her not to say anything to me or if she was just wondering. But hopefully things are looking up.

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You need to get over this, man. Congrats for being the one to hang up first--I know how good that feels, especially when she sounds surprised. it feels like some kind of victory, and it is, albeit a small one.


I highly recommend you stop prying into her life and talking to her friends. It's only going to make you want her more. You need a period of about 2 months where you don't talk to her, you don't talk to her friends, you don't hear about what she's doing, you don't see her signed on to AIM--nothing.


It doesn't sound like she's going to be calling you anytime soon, so what I would do if I were you is: 1) remove her number from your phone book (or wherever you have it). If you have it memorized, just pretend you don't remember it. 2) Remove her from your buddy list if you talk to her on AIM (and DON'T add her back--you don't want to be thinking about her!). 3) Stop talking to her friends. If you think you're really good friends with any of them, that's fine, but don't talk to them just because your ulterior motive is that you want to find out what your Ex is up to--you shouldn't be hearing about that now, it's probably too hard to think about.


I would just write that birthday call off as the last time you talk to her for the next couple of months. It sounds like you're already doing the right thing by going to the gym, working out and improving your image. Go out and find new chicks, and try not to be motivated by the hope that you will make youe Ex jealous--do it for yourself.


Hope everything works out--don't worry, you'll stop thinking about her eventually, I promise.



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