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Possible not to feel the hot coffee!!!

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Yeah, it's weird...my boyfriend is like that and it freaks me out. I can never really tell how many drinks he's had. Must be in his Irish blood.


Trust me, I live in a completely irish town. We used to be in the Guiness book for the most bars per square mile. Still, in the whole 2 square mile town, we have 13 bars. Here, you start drinking when you're 12 and half the people are alcoholics by the time it's actually legal to drink.

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Trust me, I live in a completely irish town. We used to be in the Guiness book for the most bars per square mile. Still, in the whole 2 square mile town, we have 13 bars. Here, you start drinking when you're 12 and half the people are alcoholics by the time it's actually legal to drink.


I'm so jealous of my Irish friends' tolerance level.


I'm Asian and we don't hold our liquor very well.

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I'm so jealous of my Irish friends' tolerance level.


I'm Asian and we don't hold our liquor very well.

I'm mostly French, but with a good amount of Irish and German, 2 drinks and I'm toasted. My brother got all the tolerances, he sucks it down. I don't mind cuz it means I never have to spend more than $15 at the bars (that includes food sometimes).

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I'm mostly French, but with a good amount of Irish and German, 2 drinks and I'm toasted. My brother got all the tolerances, he sucks it down. I don't mind cuz it means I never have to spend more than $15 at the bars (that includes food sometimes).


Very valid point. I'm a cheap date too. Couple of mix drinks and I'm good! My boyfriend however, can drink 3 dirty martinis, a few beers and an irish coffee at the end of the meal and still remain sober. Thus a high tab at the end of the night!!

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I don't really know, I guess all I can say is we all have different levels of tolerance from drinking. Some people tend to feel bad after having a few drinks and throw up while others are ok in just 1-2 hours, with hardly any effects (I guess I must be one of those strong people


As for how much beer, it was 3 of them.


A healthy human liver can process a little less than 1oz of pure alchohol in 1 hour. One 1oz drink of 100proof alchohol (5oz of wine, or 12oz of beer) raises your BAC by .025. From what you said, it would take longer than 3 hours to completely purge the alchohol from your system. Once passing around .04 you'll begin to feel normal again.


If you were drinking bottles of beer (around 12oz a piece) your BAC would be around .08 to .09, leaning towards the higher side concidering you're a woman. I'm suggesting you're not "one of those strong people" but simply someone who psycosomatically amplifies how drunk they're feeling, this would easily explain why suddenly you're not feeling drunk.


You'd be legally intoxicated at .08, this is far, far below the point of not being able to feel hot coffee. The coffee, was probably not hot.


Alchohol, in reference to BAC levels, affect everyone's physiology roughly the same. You can't stop, cure, or remedy the physiological effects of alcohol in your system. That being said, 'tolerance' as people like to toss around, is only a behavioral technique of masking the visible effects of alchohol. A high tolerance is an ability to mask one's intoxicated state. I'd suggest you have a very low tolerance, or are very, very petite (under 5'4" 100 pounds) and have a very, very healthy liver.

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I havent seen any studies on alchohol oxidation versus ethnicity, the only factor i'm aware of being well documented is about gender.


There is. I think part is present cultural norms towards alcohol consumption (how much alcohol is a part of daily life in any given culture)and part is evolution. The body has an amazing ability to adapt so naturally cultures that have a history of high alcohol consumption (europeans) have higher tolerances than cultures that have low consumption rates historically. This is why alcohol proved so devestating to North American aboriginals.

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There is. I think part is present cultural norms towards alcohol consumption (how much alcohol is a part of daily life in any given culture)and part is evolution. The body has an amazing ability to adapt so naturally cultures that have a history of high alcohol consumption (europeans) have higher tolerances than cultures that have low consumption rates historically. This is why alcohol proved so devestating to North American aboriginals.


I'd like to stress, respectfully, that tolerance refers to ones ability to mask the behavioral signs of being intoxicated. What you're probably referring to is the rate of alchohol oxidation.


Now that i'm more fully awake, i can remember reading a study (can't cite it, its been a while) on the physiological effects of alchohol on various ethnic groups. While the numbers relating to the oxidation were nothing special, it was noted in the study that Native American's as a group (obviously not every single one) lack the gene that induces vomitting if too much alchohol is ingested at once, or over a period of time.

I cant be arsed to look it up right now, but i believe the death rate due to alchohol poisoning runs very high in native american populations compared to other populations.

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