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Over the past week I've noticed some light spotting. I'm not due for my period for a week. The first time I noticed the spotting was last Friday when I came home from work. I had sex with my fiance that morning and he was a little more rough than he usually is, so I thought that may be the reason for some bleeding. But then on Tuesday I had some more spotting, this time a darker color. And again today the same dark color. AND in between,a few times, some very light pink colored spotting.


I really am not sure what's going on. What's the most common reason women get spotting?

(( A couple weeks ago our condom broke during intercourse and a few times we havent used one and he's pulled out, could that be a factor?))


Thanks in advance for any help

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Well, it could be what CarnelianButterfly said. Or the fact that your condom has broken could be a factor.


Whenever you have questions relating to what's happening with your body, you should always see a doctor about it. Or at least call and see what they recommend you do. It's always better to be safe.

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Well, it could be what CarnelianButterfly said. Or the fact that your condom has broken could be a factor.


Whenever you have questions relating to what's happening with your body, you should always see a doctor about it. Or at least call and see what they recommend you do. It's always better to be safe.


Curious how a breaking condom can have anything to do with spotting.

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