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I walk out of work thinking about my summer without you

I remember how I thought I always needed you

I remember how life had thrown me so far down

As I continue walking I look up and see the light shining bright


I think about how many tears I cried for you

How much I had to beg you to stay in my life

I threw all my passions and dreams of becoming something away

I just wanted a chance with you

A chance to be held, to be loved and to be take care off

But you blew it all in my face

Today as I walk with my head held high I am glad I walk with my head held high

I feel stronger than yesterday

I feel happier than before

I no longer cry for you


Days pass when I miss you and often wonder what you are doing

The memory of that night comes to mind when I decided to say my final goodbye

That moment was hard, that minute was cold, and that second that passed it got tougher

I kept walking without looking back


Now I am going to be somebody

I am going to be stronger

I am going to be tougher and be somebody who I wanted to be

As I smile I am glad I learnt the lesson when I did

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