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Warts on my hands

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I know this is totally gross! But I have warts on my right hand, not too many, but enough to bother me (one is too many!). Sometimes they are painful, not always though. What is the best treatment? I've tried to freeze them with Dr. Scholls, but that didn't work. Also one on the bottom of my foot and it HURTS a lot! Any ideas?

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If you'd had one or two then it would be ok to sort them out yourself. However, since you have a lot and the one on your foot is hurting I think you'd better go and have them removed properly.


Let us know how you get on.

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I know...but I can't go to a doctor right now. Since Hurricane Katrina I haven't had insurance. I was on my mom's before because I was under 23 and a full time student. I am about to start working, but insurance takes a while to settle in. That's where my problem comes in.

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i had one wart on my pinkie... then it turned into 2, then 3 with the one on my middle finger, then 4 with the one on my forefinger... eventually i had 7 at one point on both hands. that dr scholl's stuff is completely useless. i must have wasted $50 on the salic acid and freezing liquid.


then i decided to go to a doctor. they used liquid nitrogen to ice my fingers. there is no greater pain in life than somebody repeatedly putting liquid nitrogen on 6 of your fingers every 3 weeks for 4 months. the thing is so friggin cold it feels like someone is taking a dagger and stabbing it into your finger. i was under so much pain at one point when they did it that when i stood up, i passed out for 1 second and regained conscisouness as i felt my knees buckling under me as i was about to fall. and the pain doesn't leave after you walk away from the doctor's office. my fingers felt like they were emanating cold and i had trouble sleeping, i had trouble taking my pants off to take a shower because they were in such pain...


but anyways, if you're serious about getting rid of them, go visit your doctor once you get insurance. (=

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I understand your insurance situation. But yes, you do need to have them removed by a doctor probably in hopes to get rid of them. I am sure that one on your foot is quite painful too.


I know someone that let one on their foot go to long before getting treatment for it and ended up the wart cracked open on the bottom of their foot and ended up with a serious infection and nearly lost their entire foot because of it.

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The wart on your foot is a plantar wart. I have one of those and it hurts when I walk on it. I have had a doctor seen it and gotten medication for it, but it wont go away. I know I have to probably get it dry iced off or lasered off, not sure. If you dont take care of plantar warts, they make it painful for you to walk and can lead to other complications as coollady mentioned.

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the dr scholl freezing thing is like a popsicle on your finger, it barely has any feeling. haha, wait until you try some liquid nitrogen... *shudder*


i just had some liquid nitrogen applied to this "skin tag" (random growth of skin) on my left eyelid. god, that brought back scary memories.

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the dr scholl freezing thing is like a popsicle on your finger, it barely has any feeling. haha, wait until you try some liquid nitrogen... *shudder*


i just had some liquid nitrogen applied to this "skin tag" (random growth of skin) on my left eyelid. god, that brought back scary memories.

haha, *shudder*....that makes me want to run right to the dr and get it done! lol I guess to have beauty we must endure pain! haha Or at least to get rid of pain we must endure MORE pain!!!

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Well now, i feel lucky i usually catch them early........


i had a few foot warts some time ago, i got one frozen off by a doctor, but three appeared in its place and were quickly dispatched with a double edged razor and a soldering iron..... hows your tolerance for pain?

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Well now, i feel lucky i usually catch them early........


i had a few foot warts some time ago, i got one frozen off by a doctor, but three appeared in its place and were quickly dispatched with a double edged razor and a soldering iron..... hows your tolerance for pain?

I'd pass out and hit the floor REAL quick from that! lol

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