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I feel like you Mike but I think alot of that is anger, there are girls who dont put up for it but thats not what we see. We only see the bad, we only see those girls we want being with the wiggas, thugs and losers.


I'm like you too and I dont want to be seen as a no fun pushover, I just want to be seen for who I am, a nice fun and loving guy who would never treat someone like that. DiggityDogg maybe you can help me out with that question?

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I feel like you Mike but I think alot of that is anger, there are girls who dont put up for it but thats not what we see. We only see the bad, we only see those girls we want being with the wiggas, thugs and losers.


I'm like you too and I dont want to be seen as a no fun pushover, I just want to be seen for who I am, a nice fun and loving guy who would never treat someone like that. DiggityDogg maybe you can help me out with that question?


I'm sorry, what was the question?

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How can you be a nice loving gentlemen without being seen as a pushover or a no fun wimp?
as an example:


Suppose she wants you to do something you really don't want to do. A pushover will just go along with it. A nice loving gentleman will say "no, thanks,' but will offer a compromise that both partners can live with.

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I suppose it's true that complaining about how "unfair" life is, is not a very attractive quality. I can buy that.


Sometimes I think I lose sight of the way I come accross to others. After all, does anyone truly see themselves act or speak, unless they're video-taped? Obviously others have a much greater opportunity to evaluate me and make judgments based on my words and behaviour. At times, I think I can get so down and miserable, that I lose sight of the possibility that I may be projecting this unpleasant attitude to others, even though I don't mean to. Maybe that's why I'm still single.


Generally speaking, I do have a high opinion of myself, but as I said, I think I tend to lose sight of what's going on around me and how I can act around others when I'm down, and I end up repelling the very people I want to attract. Deep down, I think very highly of myself and honestly do believe I'm quite good looking and have a lot of other great qualities to offer someone, so that's why I get so aggravated when I see no responses from the opposite sex. Sure, I know not everyone will like me, but at my age and considering all the attractive girls I come accross in the course of one year, you'd have to almost certainly conclude that there is something grievously wrong with me for me to still be single at my age.


And so I do, merely by default. Then when I do some soul-searching and find that I'm a great guy with all these terrific qualities, then I naturally assume that it must be the women I meet, or even, women in general. But I do have faith that somewhere out there there are decent women who would appreciate a guy like me. I just haven't been lucky enough to find one yet.


Of course, my overwhelming fear of rejection often hinders me from approaching the objects of my desire, as a rule. Call it shyness, social anxiety/phobia, whatever... it's all the same. And you asked about previous relationships...


And since you asked, I think my huge fear of rejection popped up a couple years ago, after my fiancee left me for another guy. I've forgiven her, but I think I'm still very leary about trusting girls. I'm very leary about every falling in love again and giving my heart away. I don't want to be hurt again.

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Join some kind of social activity that you might enjoy and were could be girls that are your tipe. That's the best solution. You will practic your social skills, you will not be forced to approach someone, you can just be friends with people and maybe something turns up. You don't have to go clubbing there are plenty activites for meeting new people.


For example: volountary classes at school or college, learning a foreign language, sport activities, learning with other people,going out with your friends if there is a a party even if you don't know all the people there, doing barbecue with your friends and giving them a chance to ivite someone else with them too (so you can meet new people that way), going with people from your classes to cinema or organizing a trip....

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Can I offer a tip:


If you wont to pick apples go to a archered, do thingalike activertys that put you in the company of woman, Saba, Yoga, Am-Dram any thing that gets you from behind the computer and spennding time with the other sex.

Then be your self thats all, no acting no games, dont hunt for a GF/BF, dont be needed, just yourself. Happy and having fun.



bet you $10 if you do that you will meet some one, who will like the look of you and wont to spend more time with you.

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