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Think I need to Retreat From the World

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so you are saying that as long as i know how to express myself, i am never out of place?

All this is not a matter of _knowing_, it is a matter of _feeling_. It is a matter of following, being, feeling. Being feeling, one naturally expresses feeling as feeling arises. Being feeling, one is not out of place.


I think it's as long as you are out of place, you will always have something to express

Yes, but is this something thinking or feeling?

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Being feeling? Huh?

A story:


I recall when I was a lot younger, I would wonder how people made life choices, for I had no basis on which to make them. I thought I was totally mechanical.


I recall that I did have these 'annoying feelings' (I don't think I realised that they were feelings at the time) from time to time which interrupted my plans, thoughts, dreams, and the like (often at inconvenient times); and I pushed them away thinking perhaps that there may be something wrong with me, or maybe that real men don't get sidetracked, or somesuch. As you can see, I wasn't very aware.


It wasn't until I was getting settled into my career, marriage and later children that these feelings became more insistent. And it wasn't until after the separation, divorce, loss of job and lots of other heartache occurred, that I really allowed feeling to determine direction in my life.


I now realise that if I had _felt my way_ through my younger years instead of thinking my way through them, I would not have got myself into a 'life situation' where I was 'just not suited'.


Does this clarify somewhat Caldus?

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