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Anyone shave themselves?


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After some guys at work said they shaved themselves, I decided to have a go too.


I shaved my genital area totally bald and it's amazing, I'm so happy witht he results and I'm silky smooth. No hair for cum to get caught in, it's so much more healthy and clean.


I was worried it would be itching like mad but as long as it's kept shaven, there's not itching at all.


I would recommend anyone to do it.

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HA HA HA From your post about the "guys from work" I took it that you are a guy and then Dako got me confused!

I shave too but I hate the itchy!


LOL I'm definitely a guy.


To stop the itchiness, just make sure you don't let the stubble grow back. Keep it shaven close and you won't have any problems. The itchiness is from stubble rubbing your skin.

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Don't worry, patch. Most of the ridicule will come from the guys who don't have the cajones to shave their own... well cajones


One bit of advice though... never, ever use a razor that's been used before.


Personally, I stick with a trim to the patch, and bic the boys and to the base of the shaft. Contrary to what might be said, I also have had a 0% complaint ratio... in fact much the opposite

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I don't go near a man unless he is shaved completely and vice versa. Just a personal preference. And I let the man I am going to be with know what is expected, if he has a problem with doing it, I'll help him 'clean up'.

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This subject might be more divisive than religion.


You got that right.


Of all the things in the world to focus on.....


Personally, I envy those who have the kinda free time to have "pubic hair grooming" on their to-do list. I barely have enough time in the day to mess with my "public hair" let alone the non-public type.

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You got that right.


Of all the things in the world to focus on.....


Personally, I envy those who have the kinda free time to have "pubic hair grooming" on their to-do list. I barely have enough time in the day to mess with my "public hair" let alone the non-public type.




ick...this reminds me the other night we were out and some of my friends were talking about how they heard there's some new thing about people bleaching their...um.....backsides....ugh....why???

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ick...this reminds me the other night we were out and some of my friends were talking about how they heard there's some new thing about people bleaching their...um.....backsides....ugh....why???


I'm not sure....but I have a coupla theories....


Theory #1 has to do with human vanity.


Theory #2 has to do with companies that make bleaching supplies wanting to find new, untapped markets to make money.

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Oh, God...you guys HAVE TO stop....if you don't someone will read your posts and go, "hmmmm...that's a cool idea....I really must do that..."


You don't want to be responsible for another weird, superficial, crazy-world trend do you?????

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