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having a look at you -

taking in what i see

liking who you are

whatever you want to be


theres nothing i can judge -

not from your reflection

it's as though i cant find ...

any imperfections


i know your not angelic -

but thats far from the point

your you and i like it -

an original coin





you could look different -

stand out from the crowd

you could be a little quiet

or maybe extra loud


you dont have to fit in

with all these lame trends

dont want you to navigate

around all these bends


(im tired .. i wanted to end it .. indeed i did)

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smiles at slightly bent** theres always one line you like.. giggles.. ive got you hooked!!!


Q10 - bit of a fan? jokes x but thanks x was feeling in a lardy dar mood .. so positiveness indeed


vacancy - thanks.. and omg, i dont understand "sheep" as i call them.. follow of the crowd.. well i do, but i love people who are original. (thats just me.. feel free to be a sheep if you want to be.. or a non sheep but follower)


SaRaHmArIe8588 - why thankyou. thats what you get from just coming back from the pub.. no ium joking.. alcohol only increases my honesty anyway (i know .. poor me.. never get away with anything- althought i do hate the drunken excuse!!!!)


Ailec1987 - i like to be creative


thanks guys x really didnt expect that BIG a responce to be fair, with me not finishing it and all.. i really appreciate it.


and yeah vancancy, the meaning is quite obvious, im glad it shows


neva x

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