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Alright so here's the low down.


Recently, i've been getting alot closer with the manager of a band i'm in for the last few weeks. We talk and/or see eachother basically daily, and share the very same intrests and likes. She's got a boyfriend who lives in NJ (we live in FL, mind you), and that's alright I guess.


We're very much attracted to eachother; she's told me, and i've told her. However, we're both now at a stand still, confused on the long distance relationship at hand. I don't want to interfere with her current relationship or push myself onto her so to speak, but at times she questions the relationship she's in (i.e.; distance issue, physicallity issue, etc). She says that if she wasn't dating him right now, we'd more than likely be dating.


What do I do?

Do I just forget about this and move on?

Do I wait it out?

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Personally, i think you should back away and let her trully evaluate the relationship she is in. If she decides that she wants to let that relationship go and pursue things with you, then so be it. For the time being, however, i don't think it would be best for anything to happen between you two because of the other person involved. It already seems like things are a little shaky if she is telling you she has feelings for you when she is involved with someone else, so you should let her figure things out before you getting involved any further. Good luck with everything.

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I think that you should inform her that though you like her also, you can only be friends with her. It wouldn't be very convinient for you to get involved and risk her relation she's currently in. If she wants to carry it further than platonic friendship, then she would have to break up with her b/f.

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