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The return of the man who was going to hang out with a stripper...


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sorry about not responding a little earlier, my buddies and i went away for the weekend to do some fishin.


Anyway, if you remember my last post (or if there is a way you can read my last one...i don't know) i was all set to go out for coffee with this stripper who had danced for me at a club. She had given me her number and asked me out so i thought it was a good idea...you guys warned me to have my guard up so i did...




I got over to her apartment to pick her up and she invited me in while she finished getting ready. I had all the red-flag detectors on full blast for this so i went in and had a seat. A normal looking apartment...nicely decorated, she had a cat...and flowers were everywhere. So while she fixed her hair i waited on the couch waiting for her to shout, "30 dollars and ill give you a quick dance before we leave sexy...." but she never did. In fact the entire time we were out there was no mention of her profession.


She dressed completely normal, showed no cleavage and wore some normal jeans...i was expecting a halter top and mini-skirt. And she was nice, i'm still treating it as a friends thing so the conversation flowed easily. We talked about me, what i was going to school for...what my plans were for when i got out, things like that. I asked hers, then we talked about our favorite movies and sports teams...things like that. She at least seemed to be in tune with her masculine side haha she knew all about carson palmer being intentionally dropped by kimo von ohlhaffen (sp?) in the bengals playoff game last year (keep all opinions on that out of the thread please...except for mine...which is that we were robbed...) and got pretty pissed off when we were talking about it which struck me as extremely hot haha.


Then came the one point that people told me to watch out the most for...the payment.


As i was going for my wallet, she reached for her purse, began digging through it, and pulled out her part of the bill. No questions asked, she saw me staring at the money and said, "hey, its just coffee for now right?" and smiled real big at me.


I walked her home and we talked more, just random things...whatever came to our mind. Then the second red flag opportunity presented itself....standing by her apartment building we said our goodbyes, she smiled, put her hands on my shoulders and gave me a kiss and said she had a great time. I told her i did too, she smiled real big again, asked me to call her and then went inside.


That was it, nothing stripper about the girl...i was even looking her arms for needle marks but there were none thank god....


I dunno...where do i take this from here? So far she seems pretty normal...

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I guess beeing a stripper is a little out there but at the same time you gotta step back and think to yourself ok its what she does for a living not what defines her as a person its a tricky thing but she sounds like a decent girl to its all up to how comfortable you are with the situation keep it friendly for a while see what happens. Good luck god bless

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sounds good so far, though still keep your brain active. I dunno, maybe it's my sense of morale but I disagree with the other people who say "oh don't worry she's just a stripper". Indeed, a stripper..... a person who decides that it's ok to get naked for money.. and I remember someone saying that she made by far more money than a stripper was supposed to?


So just be careful, her choice of job and sense of morale could cause some problems later.

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I fail to see how strippers is any less "morale" than the guys who watch them. Strippers can make a ton of money if they bring in the customers, and the tips can be impressive.


If you don't like someone, don't date her.

BTW, I've known two strippers that were wonderful women.

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I fail to see how strippers is any less "morale" than the guys who watch them.


yes but I wasn't talking about the guys who watch them, I was talking about myself and my morale - I wouldn't probably mess around with something like that. Of course other people could be fine with it, until some kind of jealousy jumps in (which is very much possible).

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Something you should keep in mind, is that later on, you may really start liking this girl. When you do, you probably won't like the idea of other men seeing her naked on a regular basis. That is probably much more difficult to see NOW, but will become more evident in the future.


Just don't expect her to change. She is who she is, and it will be unfair of you to expect her to change down the road.


Oh and by the way - I agree that the men who pay to see stippers are of no higher moral standing than strippers themselves. It is hypocritical to judge strippers if you're a man paying to see them.

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