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we dated for about 10 1/2 months. He broke up with me because he wasn't ready to commit(I've never brought up the topic, but he often convinced me he's not afraid of commitment. He probably felt the pressure because I was 5 years older than him). He just graduated from college and was going abroad for 6 months and when he comes back he wanted to have all the possibilities. He planned to go to grad school but thought everything may change while he's abroad. That's why he broke up with me. It was more like 'taking a break' because he wanted to have an opportunity of getting back together open when he comes back.


My question is, is it normal for a guy of that age to be afraid of commitment? Or is it just lame 'he's not that into you' situation?

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It's not abnormal.


I'm 26, divorced, and I'm not ready for a serious relationship (I define serious as one where marriage is a viable outcome) yet.


I don't know much about your personal history, so I can't comment as to whether he was being serious or just using that as an excuse, but I could certainly understand him if he was being genuine.


He might have wanted to go out and date other people.

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I think in general, a lot of people are afraid of commitment, be they 22 years old or 40 years old. Is it normal? Depends, but I think that he's 22, in college and going to another country, I think people often want to be unattached and be able to do what they want without worry about having to think about someone else.


I'd also guess there are a lot of people who like "taking breaks" when one partner has to leave for school or work or a family emergency. Sometimes they don't want to deal with LDR or are not sure how they feel about their partner. Whether it's a good thing or a bad thing, I don't know. We don't know your history.

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I think he's too young to think about a serious relationship and he knows that too ... At his age, he shouldn't let a relationship stop or slow down his academic pursuits or his desire to go overseas.. I think he's just being young while he can be and doing what he wants while he's responsibility-free. You're young too though! Seriously, enjoy it and allow the time off to grow and learn about yourself.

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