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Guys vs. Girls


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Hey guys. This was just something i was thinking about today and was wondering if i could get opinions from guys and girls as well. I'm the type of girl, along with many others im sure, who when i start out dating a guy i will think about a future with him. For example, how my name sounds with his last, great places we can go together, having a wonderful relationship. Its not like i want something serious right away but its just a normal reaction. Now i dont know if that makes me sound needy or not but its just what i tend to do and ive been told that its perfectly normal for a woman to think about things like that, along as its not brought up on the first date..


But what i am wondering is do guys think about that kind of stuff or do they typically just think about having sex with the woman for the first time or think about what she'll be wearing the next day and if the outfir will be showing alot of skin? Do men think about the future or are they more focused on the next day or next date?

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I used to not even think about it. But with my last relationship things got pretty serious and marriage was discussed. Needless to say that didn't work out as I'm currently single, but nowadays I do think about stuff like that when I find a girl that I'm attracted to. It may not be "manly" or whatever, however I'm looking for something serious and long-term, not something that's just a fling, so I guess as I go down that "list" of qualities, I sure do think about those kinds of things.

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well I'm a failey young guy, and to tell you the truth it changes with girl to girl. One girl will be just going along day by day, then other girl might make me think about the bigger picture. However no not usualy straight away, after a few weeks maybe. I think it is at the end of the "getting to know you" stage when I start thinking about more.

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I don't "try on last names" for one because I don't plan on giving mine up. I don't think about kids cuz I don't want any. Marriage used to seem important to me, but now I'm happy and I don't really think marriage is in my future any time soon. I'm happier as a person now that I've spent time finding out who I am without dragging someone else into the soul searching.

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When I first dated none of these stuff came to mind. Now a year later and I'm single, but once a while think about of what my future relation would be like and also hoping he's also a virgin.

By the way CarnelianButterFly, you're not the only one here wnating to be childfree. When I get into another relation, this will be discuss and he'll way for sure I don't want kids. As for marriage, maybe, but if I was asked now, I would be freaking out before saying "NO".

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haha I remember thinking what my name would be with HER last name one time haha..but yeah around 7months when we talked about moving in together and stuff I began to think more of a future...it all comes with steps

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Probably suprising for a guy but yeah when things get going for awhile, yeah I think about what her name would sound like with my last name, what our life would be like together, what moments we could share. What it would be like to be married to her etc. Now i'm young and a dreamer, however my last relationship of over a year had a very real possibility of marraige so the stuff above was on my mind more than past relationships.

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