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What do YOU find to be attractive????


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These replies are phenomenal. I think the best thing is to find someone almost entirely different; that includes hair color, ethnic background, cultural background, religious background; and if it isn't already prevelant, physically different. It seems as if we'd be bored and frustrated "living with ourselves" and having too much in common--and there would never be a chance to grow bored!

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I don't know, having some things in common in very important too. If you have nothing in common, you'll find it hard to establish, and certainly, keep a meaningful relationship going. Nevertheless, I suppose I'll answer:


What I value and look for most in females would be (I'll start with the physical first because it's more salient off the top of my head):


I like long hair on a girl, the longer the better (within reason). I prefer straight hair, but I do like all types. I like feminine girls who dress well and take care of their appearance (if they don't dress well or care what they look like, why should I?) I'm not into body piercings or tattooes, they just look cheap and turn me off. I'm a sucker for a cute face and a pretty smile. I suppose I favour blonde hair, but I've seen many hot redheads and brunettes too, so I can't really say I prefer blondes much anymore, there's just more of them.


I would never date a girl who outweighed me, but I'm not really into the super-skinny girls either. I prefer someone kind of medium or "average" size, I guess you could say. I want someone with some "curves" in the right places, of course. lol I used to hate glasses on a girl, but lately, I've been seeing some pretty attractive girls wearing glasses and they look good on them! So I think glasses are cool now, though I do prefer no glasses on a girl.


I really like girls who are kind of soft-spoken and have a gentle sounding voice. Basically, someone somewhat quiet and sweet sounding. I'm not into loud, boisterous women, although being extraverted and talkative is fine, just as long as she isn't a loud-mouth who tries to control every conversation. I find girls who have a higher (but not shrill) sounding voice to be very attractive. I find a deep voice in a girl to be a huge turn-off; probably because I see it as being masculine trait. I also love shorter girls. 5' - 5'6" is ideal, IMO.


Moving on to inner qualities: I find a girl with a kind heart to be most attractive. Someone who cares about other people, not just herself, someone who wants to do something good for this world and the people who live here, someone who always sees the good in others and doesn't hold grudges is very attractive to me. Girls who like kids and want kids of their own (eventually, not right away!! lol) are also really attractive. It shows they'd eventually make a good mother. I really value and respect girls who appreciate kids, the underpriveleged and their families. Girls with goals and dreams are important too, but she doesn't have to make a lot of money (I can do that for both of us!) Someone who is traditionally-minded, who values God and faith is also crucially important to me, but not a religious zealot. (Faith in God is enough, thanks. lol)


Lastly, since I'm such a romantic, touchy-feely sap... I tend to go for those types of girls. The ones who are physically affectionate, sweet and sensitive. I am a very physically expressive person and tend to express my feelings better with touch than with words, so I'd need someone who would do the same. If I ever went to hold hands with a girl and she wouldn't take my hand (after we had been dating a bit, for example), then I'd be very hurt and would probably dump her. I expect someone who loves romance and enjoys spending time together with me; long walks on the beach at sunset, watching the stars go down together at night, a romantic dinner just the two of us... I love crap like that! lol (I didn't want to sound too sappy there, hence the word "crap". lol)


Also, a girl who loves spending time outdoors, with nature is also a must. I love nature, animals and the outdoors. Can't stand being cooped up inside all day in the summer! A sense of humour and an optimistic point of view is very attractive as well.


Anyway, that's about it. I know there's more, but those are the main ones, I think. Oh yes, and I cannot stand girls who smoke, drink excessively or use drugs. I avoid them like the PLAGUE. (Probably why it is so hard to meet an attractive girwho DOESN'T do those things.) And of course, I'd want someone who could love and accept me just as I am, not try to change me. I won't change for anyone and if she could not accept it, it would be her loss! (I'm very stubborn.)

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You know I had previously thought my problem was my standards were too high... I even made a post about it just last week, but reading through this I see my standards are no higher that anyone elses. Just those 8 personality/compatability traits I listed earlier... I do have opinions on other things such as those Kevin T listed, it's just that I might toleratet he things I don't like... If a girl smoked I wouldn't like it, don't know if I'd turn her down because of it. Introvert-extrovert doesn't bother me, just as long as she is nice and she thinks, I guess I like a girl who questions things but i don't know whether I'd turn a girl down on the basis of her not being like that.


Physically though is where I cannot pin down a single preference that I have. That's not to say I'm one of these 'opposite-of-shallow' guys who claims they care nothing at all for physical appearance, I do have to find a girl attractive, and what I consider to be attractive is pretty much the same as what most people would say was attractive (weight within a reasonable range, symmetry of facial features and all that), but things like hair colour, height, whether she is a cutie or a sex-bomb mean nothing to me, I like it all the same. And I've had the usual guy discussions with mates over who was attractive and noticed I'd find a much larger range of girls attractive where they would say they didn't fancy a girl because they prefer brunettes/tall girls/sex-bombs etc.


I will admit I don't find girls from different ethnic backgrounds to myself attractive... I'm going to try and weasel out of any criticism now and say it's because it's biologically determined (people from different etnicities naturally having different definitions of what attractive is) rather than socially determined... i.e. me being racist. But i know some people will think I'm being closed minded/racist, but I would feel I was hiding something if I didn't add that at the end.

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It's interesting to me how detailed you fellows are in your preferences.

I just tried to find the common denominator among women who've tugged at my heart.

I'm certainly no ladiies' man, But I've gone gooey over so many types of women in my life, I can hardly think of a physical type I prefer. My first big crush was on a black girl with a big afro. I still think fondly of her. To me behavior is more important than hair length or tatts, weight or boobage. Maybe I'd be happier with a different POV, but I'll never know.


I have no point here, except that we can all be so different, especially when so many folks here try to speak for (or against) a whole gender on the subject. Guys are all different, and that's a good thing.

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I didn't take offense. I will admit though, that that was a pretty thorough list for me. I had to sit down and really think about it for a while before I could answer. (Plus I was going back every three minutes to edit my post and add something new.)


I suppose that could be closer to an ideal, not what I think is out there.

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I find a woman attractive if they are quiet, smart, and have a lot of self-confidence, a woman who doesn’t mind if they are not the center of attention


Someone who would rather do something fun together (watch a movie at home or go rollerblading or something) rather than go hang out at a bar and get drunk, that kind of stuff bores me


Someone who likes to try sports even if they stink at them (tennis!)


Someone who loves music, and loves to go to concerts


I love computers so someone who doesn’t mind if I’m kind of a gaming nerd


In general a woman who is passionate about something (a sport, music, anything)

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I like anyone who seems genuine and nice... pretty much

I always want to bone the popular, centre of attention types... but when it comes to anythign deeper, I like my guys to be a little more understated

body hair is always a plus too

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I don't have a "type", although all the women I've ever dated have had dark hair(brunettes & red heads only). Never have dated a blonde. Must be subconscious, because I don't have anything against blondes.


And I have dated short women. Tall women. Curvey women & skinny women. Breast size is a none issue for me.


So...it all comes down to the following qualities for me.


I like a woman who is FUN. Who can laugh and not be afraid to look silly. To me that is the BIGGEST turn on. Because if I am attracted to her AND can have fun...well...thats just the best.


I like smart, but not cold. Nothing is a bigger turn off than a cold woman. Cruel & condescending is a no no. I like a woman who can spar with me playfully, but who isn't mean. Compassion for people gives me a warm fuzzy feeling. So I like my woman to have a big heart too.


I like to surf and travel. A sense of adventure and a playful willingness to try new things is important. She doesn't have to like everything I do, but at least be willing to try it once.


I don't like clingy, but I do like cuddly. I like an independent woman who has her own thing going on, but is also supportive of me and my endeavors too.


Thats it.

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Actually Scorpio is right. Our senses of smell are one of our strongest attractions. They have done studies where they took all these college women, and showed them a series of pictures of college guys. They were asked to pick the one they were most attracted to. They then had them sniff a bunch of t shirts one at a time, that belonged to the same group of men. Something like 98% of them picked the t shirt that corresponded to the man they were attracted to.


So guys, the way to a woman's heart really is through her nose!

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They have done studies where they took all these college women, and showed them a series of pictures of college guys. They were asked to pick the one they were most attracted to. They then had them sniff a bunch of t shirts one at a time, that belonged to the same group of men. Something like 98% of them picked the t shirt that corresponded to the man they were attracted to.

i SO don't get it. how can a woman know that a guy will smell the way she likes by looking at his photograph?


got a link, perchance?

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The study found that women who were ovulating at the time were able to much more accurately identify the man and his attractiveness based on the smell of the t-shirts.


Quite an odd study, I'll admit. But I think it does show that there is something biological, as well as physiological, in women's actions and perceptions toward men throughout different stages of their cycle.

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I have no point here, except that we can all be so different, especially when so many folks here try to speak for (or against) a whole gender on the subject. Guys are all different, and that's a good thing.

Dare I modify your point and say, that it is a great, borderline phenomenal-makes-the-search-for-a-mate-still-worth-it thing

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imho, a rock-solid definition of physical attractiveness can ironically be found in the OP's own profile pic. look at that miles-deep expression:




her personality, from what i know of it, exudes a similarly defining radiance. alas, it is far too brilliant to be captured fully in a mere photograph.


(a thousand pardons if this embarrasses you, TRQ... someone had to say it)

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5)not full of himself


7)daring. tries new things. adventurous.

8 smart

9)good talker

10)caring and sweet. but not too sappy lol.


appearance: taller than me. nice eyes. bigger than me. but not too big. big hands... I love big hands. oh yeah. and hairs a plus.


but of course. this guy cant possibly exist.

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