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My braces come off today!

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Yes, it was very weird after having them on for 4 years. (They promised 2... but stretched it out I think. lol) I could not stop licking my teeth and was fasinated at how smooth my teeth felt after having the metal on during high school. Make sure you wear your retainer faithfully. My brother didn't and his teeth with time went right back to where they were... crooked. Congrats!!

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I've never had braces, but I could imagine it being a weird feeling. I mean, you get so used to having braces on your teeth for so long.


It's like when you get a haircut, and you run your hands through your hair and your hair ends sooner than you are used to. That's a weird feeling..


But I'm sure you like not having braces any longer!

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I never had them, but my sister did. It was very strange for her definitely after having them for three years! Just as it was weird having them in at first, it will be weird having them gone.


Make sure you wear that retainer though, it is very important! My sister only wears hers a couple times a month now while sleeping just to make sure they are straight still...but she did make sure to wear it as prescribed for as long as she was meant to.


I finally got a nightguard to wear at night to help my TMMJ...it apparently drives me crazy and I end up spitting it out unknowingly at night...I joked to my bf this morning maybe I have to tape my mouth shut at night to prevent doing that. His answer was...."good idea, can we start now!?" (he WAS joking...I think!)

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IT was sweet relief. I think in the two years I had them I was in maybe twice where I didnt have to get them glued back on. They were such a pain in the A for sports and such. Plus I had these things called Jasper Jumpers (because I didnt wear my head gear at night like I was supposed to) that were plastic "cables" that only allowed me to open my mouth half way. They helped with my overbite but were pure hell when it came to eating etc.

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