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I am so anxious and scared about my next big step!

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Hi all,

ok i have this really big mental/emotional problem, my Alevel results will be out next thursday and i am more than scared, but more petrified. I know im not the only one, but im the kinda person that goes into things like this to much. The thing is i cant sleep at all, im getting really ratty and really emtional, and to top it off i finally came to a realisation that no matter what its my future so i shouldnt let my parents get involved and put me dow, coz they always do, so ive decided not to tell my fam when im gettin my results so it will put let stress on me, but its gettin a lil annoying now. I mean one min im fine, the next im just panicking!I need help, and trust me ive talked to friends/fam, but that aint helping. I just need to find someway to really relax, im just so scared that if i fail i wont get to do my course which is a DREAM COURSE FOR ME peeps, i did the hard bit, the portfollio, the interview and got a place, but its just the results. If it helps i got B,D,D in my as level results, and ive been going crazy in trying to predict what i mite get, but its driving me crazy, just plain crazy. And this experince is made even more worse becasue my dad died last november, so i feel im deff gonna fail.


im going crazy with pure worry,

im a social person and im even having stupid thoughts of not making friends and getting really lonely in my flat(thats if i get a flat as ive been put on a waiting list..........how annoying)all these really deppresing thoughts are creeping in, i know its just the mood im in most of the time, but im really scared


what am i going to do, am i just predicting whats gonna happen?


can anyone help me please?

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It is totally normal to be stir crazy about something so important. Waiting for your life to start....or so it feels....

Just try and think about all the great things that are going to happen, look and think about the positive side to this.

Keep yourself busy, and know its ok to be a little jumpy and cranky...just stay calm for a few more days, and then you will write us and say


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Hello, and can I first reassure you that you are not in this!...


When I did my A levels I was terrible for weeks before hand, and on the day I got my envelope and went back to work and didnt even open it until the night!


What I did find that helped, was speaking and hanging round with people who didn't take A levels. The ones that did take them seemed to make me even more anxious and I found it better to keep visits to them to a minimum for a bit, and they understood once I told them what was going on.


I am sure you will do well so fingers crossed!

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  • 2 weeks later...

heya everyone that helped me with my a-level prob,

anyway just reporting to let you know(especially segagirl) that i passed all 3 alevels, and will be startin uni next month thank god!


but even though im really grateful im angry with myself for not gettin the grades that i wanted..badly! but i suppose i can retake some modules?


but thanks everyone,


much love,



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