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Patience Patience Patience

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I need to learn patience and am unsure HOW.

You always hear: Be patient

Patience is a virtue....etc etc...but no one

ever teaches you HOW to be patient!


So...Is patience a virtue you are born with?? Or one you aquire over time???

How do some of you LEARN patience??


Thanks in advance.....

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I've found a good way to learn patience is just concentrate your thoughts on other things. If you get too over zealous and want what you want to happen now, than it never will. It's best when waiting for something to think about something else and keep your mind distracted while you wait for what you want to happen, happen.

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I actually act out learning patience.


I force myself to let people infront of me in line at the store, I let people in during rush hour even if I feel they are driving inappropriately, etc. Sounds silly but I really try to teach myself to be patient with other people more than anything else.

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hi, i`ve just begun to learn patience. there , i answered one question without really meaning to.

i`ve finally begun to realize that all the worrying,fretting,anxiety etc.,doesn`t help matters . they lead directly to IMpatience. when you start to let go of or push away anxiety you begin to look at uncomfortable situations in a more calm and constructive light. i think that`s patience. keep practicing it.

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The root of patience is self-discpline. That is one of the hardest things to conquer, especially when you're young. But just because you aren't patient now doesn't mean you can't learn to be patient. You just have to learn to separate yourself from others and go at your own pace. If you go fast, you might miss something important. As a musician, patience is everything. Rome was not built in a day.

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I think going through experiences where you want to go faster and can't are good opportunities to learn patience. I am currently in school and while I get SOOO impatient to get done with it already - I do want to absorb all that I can while I am there. Yeah sure it will take me longer than the normal 4 years...but at least I'm doing something worth while. There are days I wish I could be done with it NOW...but I have to consciously tell myself to take it easy - what's the rush honestly?

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it's strange... I've always been very patient - it helps me a lot as I'm a scientist and being patient is a good skill/habit to have. so I don't know quite how to answer your question....


I guess I just know, like the ketchup commercial, "good things come to those who wait."


some things take a while to get good results, but if I am shaking my test tube, staring at it, poking it, I know I won't get good results.


I sometimes get impatient and want to check my results before it's time, but I try to keep myself from doing that by just staying away from the room where my samples are, if possible.

I just try to think of the ultimate goal before I poke before it's ready.


hmmm... does that help?

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