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too many simple conversation topics with friends

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Sometimes (or many times) have you ever come accross friends who have a very limited range of things to talk about? What do you honestly think about that, even though he/she is your friend and you like that person? I used to think that of myself so I am constantly trying to branch out of what I usually talk about within my social group. For example, soccer is the last thing on my circle's mind and recently I managed to watch one game only so I talked about the game.


I'm not pointing out that friends who have a limited vocabulary or a limited range of conversation topics are simple-minded, but I worry that they couldn't possibly stand against other people who are more well-traveled, college educated and who have a larger variety of interests. A party would be a good example of this happening.. a friend might only talk about American football and what his favorite team is while another person we are talking to discusses his favorite team as well, but also discusses the differences between American football and soccer and what he likes and dislikes about both sports.

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It's okay to have friends who might have a 'limited' perspective. If you're someone who needs more to be stimulated, it's important to have a range of friends - some who are more stimulating, others less so.


I also feel the same sometimes about my friends. They bug me because they only talk about a limited range of topics. But then, at the same time, there are times when I get fed up with really intellectual people and *love* my other friends, because there are times when you just want to hang out, have a good laugh and not be too serious about stuff

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Everyone has there own interests and it should be up to your friends if they want to expand upon those interests, so they can converse with other individuals. I've attempted to do this with one of my friends, but it didn't work and he is still himself. I think it's just best to deal with it as if they want to change they will, and it's bad to force them.

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